The Purpose Famine (How to Find Your Crusade)

In a time where most people in the developed world have everything they want.

The problems change.

Our main concern used to be food, shelter, and protection.

Now our main issue is anxiety, depression & lack of hope for the future.

Pretty ironic isn't it?

ALL species fight for survival daily.

And then one adaptable species rises to the top of the food chain and conquers their survival needs.

We won right?!


We just swapped out one problem for another.

The survival problem for the PURPOSE FAMINE problem.

From a time when everyone was NEEDED.

Now nobody is needed.

We were once a vital part of a tribe.

Now we are disposable humans that can be replaced.

And not just by other humans, but now by machines.

The crisis facing us is finding PURPOSE in our lives.

Without purpose, humans turn to pleasure.

And for some.....apathy & despair.

We all know someone who has taken their own life.

Even though we live in the best conditions humans have ever had??

Living in the most opportunistic time in the history of the world?!

Just doesn't make sense does it?

It shouldn't be this way......but yet here we are.

I read a book one day that really hit this home for me.

"Tribe: On homecoming and belonging"

A book on soldiers who return home from war.

And how they struggle to find belonging and purpose.

The main point from the book was that a soldier who was once VITAL AND NEEDED..........who had great returns to not being needed. And having no purpose in modern life.

The book explains how soldiers go from the most purpose and connection known to mankind
(putting your life on the line for your country. Willing to die for your brothers beside you in your platoon).

To arriving home and becoming depressed.


Because they have gone from the ULTIMATE being a shunned member of society who isn't needed.

From going to war for their brothers and country.

To pushing buttons on a keyboard for some corporation that treats them like a number. would you not be on a downer?!

It's been shown things like Jiu Jitsu or other martial arts are great for war veterans as there is great connection & camaraderie there.

A glimpse of the purpose and connection they had in the army.

Which is nowhere to be seen in modern life.

I can attest to this from my experience as a Jiu-Jitsu purple belt.

Going to war with people on the mats creates a much different connection than most of modern life.

You get humbled over and over again, but you keep showing up.

Even though it's an 'individual' sport, you are all on the same mission together.

To become better at Jiu Jitsu.

To become better human beings.

You have good, strong people to LOOK UP TO. To ADMIRE.

My black belt coach Andre Ramos is one of the most humble men I have ever met.

But yet an absolute SAVAGE of a man. A true WARRIOR.

A great inspiration to me.

I love the respect & honour shown to higher-ranked members who have EARNED this respect.

It's not fake fluff respect. It's earned through blood, sweat & tears.

The promotion ceremonies where your commitment, perseverance & discipline has paid off are another part.

You get your ass kicked for the first year.

Most drop off and quit.

But you pushed through.

The ceremony where I got my Jiu Jitsu purple belt after 5 years.

Is the closest thing I got in terms of a rite of passage to becoming a man in this modern life.

Graduation from college? Couldn't give a fuck. Meant barely anything.

But the purple belt? This meant so much to me.

I was on a high for days.

I can only imagine what it would be like in the army, having caught a glimpse of the connection/purpose/meaning you derive from Jiu-Jitsu & your martial arts journey.

It was around the time of listening to this audiobook Tribe, that a school friend of mine committed suicide.

The 3rd person who has done so from my class in school believe it or not.

And I'm only 30.

I think of how popular and needed this particular man was back in school.

The joker of the pack, one of the best GAA players.

Very popular. Nobody had a bad word to say about him.

He lit up most rooms with his energy.

School times were probably great connection for him.

I'm sure he felt needed, had some purpose.....

But as life went on, I can only assume he lost all those things.

He moved around to different places.

But ultimately ended up returning to Roscommon Town. Which seems to be a black hole for people in their 20s.

And just like the veterans coming home from war, life must have become pretty bleak over time from the highs he experienced before.

He probably went from purpose, connection, & being having all that taken away from him and obviously not liking the future he saw ahead of himself.

I didn't mean for the newsletter to go this way.

But there you go.

The Purpose Famine is something we can all relate to.

I have had some tough times, but have never been depressed.

I am naturally more optimistic and always have hope for the future.

But I have felt that total LACK OF PURPOSE.

Total lack of connection.

Not needed.

Feel like I don't fit in anywhere.

It's not a nice place to be.

My purpose was to become a professional soccer player.

For 18 years of my life, that's all I cared about.

I was up around the U-16 Ireland team level, but could never get picked to actually get a cap.

I lost all purpose in my life after this.

And like us all, I turned to pleasure to mask this.

Excessive drinking in college, the party lifestyle.

Filling the void that only another purpose can fill.

I can understand why some spiral downward.

It’s not normal for us to not have no purpose or north star in life.

It’s the first time in our species evolution that we have encountered this problem.

Humans have ALWAYS had a purpose.


We couldn't even have the opportunity to be depressed, as you were more concerned if you were going to live to see tomorrow.

There was no greater purpose than going to war for your tribe and making sure your family and loved ones live to see tomorrow’s sunrise.

Climbing out of the survival food chain has given us the chance to actually contemplate life for the first time in our species.

Taking our main purpose away that we have had for all our evolution up to recent times.

Leaving a hole that can’t be filled with all the pleasure in the world.

And this has led to what I am calling the 'Purpose Famine'.

We all wander into these empty fields at some stage in our life.

But unfortunately, not all of us make it out.

My aim is for this newsletter to show you a better path than apathy & despair.

A path of REGAINING PURPOSE in your life.

The Purpose Famine

I'm sure you can relate to some or all of these problems facing our generation:

We are lost after college ends.

Qualified in something we don't want to do for the rest of our life.

We head towards our deathbeds filled with the biggest regret of mankind:

“NOT LIVING A LIFE TRUE TO MYSELF. Living the life others expected of me”
(Google top 5 regrets of the dying)

For me personally, I experienced all of the above.

But little did I know, these were all VITAL & NECESSARY steps.

To lead me to become the man I am today.

A man worthy to lead my CRUSADE.

But it was a long winding path.

More like a bull crashing around in a china shop looking for answers.

Than having a blueprint to follow.

That's why I make these newsletters for you.

To give you the guidance I needed but never had.

I've gone the hard route, which means I can give you the easier one.

We Learn From Going to the Extremes

The extremes are where we LEARN.

From kids, all the way up to adults.

As a kid:

  • You don't know that fire is dangerous, until you touch it

  • You don't know what 'good' behaviour is, without being punished for 'bad' behaviour

  • You only know what daytime is, when you have seen the night

  • You only know what pain-free is, if you have experienced pain

You could make endless examples.

As an adult:

  • You only know what a 'competent worker' is, from being/seeing an incompetent one

  • You only know what 'fitting in' is like, when you haven't fit in before.

  • You only know what love is, from having your heart broken.

I sometimes think that's how I have learned a lot in my life so far.

Because I don't settle and take things further than most.

All the way to the end of the extremes.

And get crushed.

But this enables me to learn valuable lessons that change the course of my life going forward.

It has led to my 'success' now, but it was to my detriment before.

Every 'high' I have at present, has only been as a result of living the mirror opposite of the ‘low’:

  • I only value my Physical Freedom, because I lost it at a young age and had to give up sports/activities I loved

  • I only value Mental Freedom, as I have lived with social anxiety & behind a mask not able to be my true self. Not happy with who I was. Not able to manage relationships. And my quality of life suffered

  • I only value Lifestyle Design, as I hated the 9-5 life and knew it wasn't for me

I was only motivated to overcome these issues.

Because I've lived on the negative side of the spectrum most of my life.

For all of them.

Even if you don't know what you want from life (which I didn't back then).

You always know what you DON'T want your life to be like.

And that's a good starting point.

To bring the 'learning from the extremes' into the purpose famine problem:

It's only from a place of HAVING NO PURPOSE......that we can finally see that we need to work towards one.

I think it's fair to say 99% of people who've ever LIVED.....have gone through periods of their life where they had no purpose.

Or didn’t like the purpose they were ‘assigned’.

And they can confirm how it wasn't a good period of their life.

So you are not alone.

In fact, you actually NEED this moment.

Because it's this moment that will be the PAIN YOU NEED TO CHANGE.

You need a breakdown, to have a BREAKTHROUGH.

The harder you fall on the trampoline, the greater your potential REBOUND.

The reality is that: No pain = No change.

Pain can be life's greatest tormentor, or life's greatest TEACHER. 

It's up to you which option you pick.

If you want this pain of 'having no purpose' to become the greatest lesson you ever learn in this life.

The lesson that propels you towards becoming who you are and your true GREATNESS.

Then it's time to find your crusade.

Finding Your Crusade (Turn Your Past Pain Into Progress)

It can be a 'huge' crusade like becoming president of your country.

It could be a 'small' crusade like acquiring a piece of land you farm on and look after your family with.

Nobody GIVES YOU your crusade.

You have to create YOUR OWN.


  • One that resonates deeply in your heart

  • One that gets you emotional as you speak about it

  • One you would go to war for (literally & metaphorically)

Humans find meaning through things they have struggled with themselves.

I am only extremely passionate about:

  • Phyical Freedom

  • Mental Freedom

  • Lifestyle Design

Because I struggled with all of them.

There will be things in your life that you have struggled with.

And once you overcome them, you will probably find meaning in helping others come through the same path you went on.

It's extremely fulfilling turning your past pain into others’ future PROGRESS.

It gives you great PURPOSE.

Showing them the quicker & easier route through the path, as they can learn from your mistakes.

Empowering them to get the progress you tried to get for so long but couldn't.

You know how life-changing it can be for them.

As it has already changed YOUR life.

And this is what gives it meaning.

You can get behind this.

This can become your CRUSADE.

Or maybe you have a family business and want to continue that legacy?

Maybe you have a passion for music/art/some other avenue to inspire/enrich/improve people's lives.

YOU find it, I can't give it to you.

Whatever it is, it has to be true to you in your heart.

Otherwise, when the going gets tough you will quit.

Once you find it, you FIGHT FOR IT.

And it's in the 'fighting for it' where the real you emerges.

This is how you BECOME WHO YOU ARE.

The capable version of you, worthy of LEADING the crusade.

Deadly Sword With A Purpose

It's analogous to how swords are made.

The crusade is the furnace, you are the lump of metal.

After relentlessly:

  • Being dipped in the fire

  • Taken out and battered

  • Put back in the flames

  • Repeated for weeks/months/years

Change slowly starts to happen through this process.

And over time.....

What was once a useless lump of metal, has become a DEADLY SWORD WITH A PURPOSE.

The lump of metal that you thought was useless.

Actually had inherent value all along.

It had incredible POTENTIAL….but you just couldn’t see it.

All it needed was the right environment to pull it out.

Your CRUSADE is this environment.

Rising to your calling is what will make you CAPABLE

Becoming Capable

A good starting point: BECOMING CAPABLE.

Capable people are useful.

Useful people are needed.

Most people in our generation are:

  • Shy, timid, afraid

  • Weak mentally & physically

  • No confidence in ourselves

  • Living behind a mask

  • No passion, purpose & meaning in life.

  • No crusade to fight for

  • They stand for nothing, so they fall for anything

The 'ideal citizen' from Plato is a good aim:

“He who is only an athlete is too crude, too vulgar, too much a savage. He who is a scholar only is too soft, too effeminate. The ideal citizen is the scholar-athlete, the man of thought and the man of action


Since we are talking about ‘becoming capable’.

Physical capability can’t be overlooked.

It’s literally the foundation of becoming capable since the beginning of time.

If you weren’t physically capable in the hunter gatherer days, nobody respected you.

With good reason too: You WEREN’T capable.

And the tribe only values CAPABLE people.

Those are the ones who progress the human species.

This quote sums up how we should be in modern life

"It's better to be a warrior in a garden, than a gardener in a war"

I've been the gardener most of my life:

  • Mentally weak

  • Physically weak

  • No confidence

  • No conviction

  • Not capable

Living within the boundaries of my safe garden.

Where the ego is protected, but dreams & potential go to die.

Afraid to go out and be the change I want to see in the world.

Afraid to go to war for what I believe in my heart.

I was petrified to even speak up in social environments, never mind follow the path true to myself.

Now, I'm the WARRIOR:

  • Overcame 10 years of chronic pain & injury

  • Came back and am the strongest & most mobile I have ever been in my life

  • I can run 30km in barefoot shoes. I can do handstand pushups. Close to one arm chin-ups. Front splits and much more

  • I cultivated the don't settle attitude that can face and overcome anything life throws at me

  • I'm a Jiu Jitsu purple belt and beginner level in Kickboxing & Muay Thai

In short:

I'm ready for peace.


Look at the gardener version & warrior version of me.

Let's say you knew nothing about me except those 2 lists.

Which version of me do you think will be more:

  • Capable

  • Confident

  • Has the conviction to go after the life he wants

  • Be the change he wants to see in this world

Which version of me do you think will be more likely to:

  • Be shy, nervous, anxious

  • Feel incapable

  • Have no confidence

  • Have no belief in his ability to make change in himself or the world

It's not rocket science:

Confidence comes from CAPABILITY.

And the incapable succumb to apathy.

You can't expect to be confident enough to pursue your purpose & crusade.

If you are not a capable human.

Saying affirmations in the mirror, while you have no EVIDENCE of you being a capable person won't work.

Your subconscious knows the score.

No matter what lies you try to tell your conscious mind.

Don't be surprised when you throw a spoiler on a fiat, and it fails to perform like a Ferrari.

You need to build the racecar from the ground up.

The Crusade Begins

Once you find your purpose, your CRUSADE.

Now you have your north start to follow

And through going on this crusade.

You will evolve into the person you need to be.

We all need to go on our own heroes journeys.

From a useless lump of metal to a deadly sword with a purpose.

That can be wielded skillfully with devasting effect in any crusade.

We all have glimpses of this inspiration of who we could become in our lives.....but we shy away from it.

For example, list all the hero’s journeys you love.

For me it's:

  • Batman

  • Ragnar Lothbrook

  • Walter White

  • Gandalf & other Lord of the Rings characters

  • Utred from The Last Kingdom

To name a few!

I can already pull the most recent one from memory.

I finished The Last Kingdom series recently.

And during the last season when Utred was losing motivation to regain Bebbanberg, his true home.

His son said this line to him:

"You fight because you believe in a CAUSE. Not for God. But to keep safe the people you love. That is why you will always have the strength to stand up when others fall. And to go on when those around you say it is hopeless. It is why these men love you and will follow you wherever you go……as will I"

The Last Kingdom


That was so powerful.

The hairs stood up on my neck. Dopamine coursed through my body.

As JBP says:


Jordan Peterson

You WANT to be more like your HEREOS.

You know it but are afraid to admit it.

Answer The Call

I've been there. I get it.

"Who am I to do anything?!".

But as one of my clients told me last week.

And that’s the fucking truth.

I've been so shy & embarrassed most of my life.

Wanted to be a fly on the wall, to be left alone.

And look at me now?! Putting myself vulnerably out into the world!

Inspiring people to not settle. To take back control of their body, mindset & life!

Younger Marcus would barely believe it.

I say ‘barely’ because I did have glimpses where I knew I was meant for more than a life of drinking and partying.

That I had something to offer the world.

That a higher calling would come along again.

But I didn’t know if I would be able to answer.

I was so far from the man I aspire to be.

And the line from the film Dune sums it up perfectly.

“A great man doesn’t seek to lead. He’s called to it. And he answers. And if your answer is no, you’ll still be the only thing I ever needed you to be. My son. I found my own way to it. Maybe you’ll find yours.”


Answering the call doesn’t determine your worth as an individual.

You are worthy as you are.

BUT…..if you know in your heart that you are meant for more.

And that it’s only FEAR holding you back….

Then you will find your way to it.

You will become who you need to be to answer the call.

We all will have different callings in our life.

My first calling was to be a professional soccer player.

But when the going got tough, I settled and gave up on it.

I repressed that pain for years. Became a shadow of the man I am now.

I didn’t lean in fully and become the man I needed to be.

I ran away in fear.

From this pain, I knew that when the next call comes:





And when the call of helping people regain their Physical Freedom came.......

I was scared. Fearful.

I struggled to answer questions in class, never mind put myself out into the world as guywhodidntsettle to inspire others like the younger me.

But I knew in my heart I would inspire the fuck out of younger me.

And I had to do it for him. Be the change I want to see in the world.

For all those like the younger me who need a leader but don’t have one.

With the help of different mentors, after a lot of hesitation: I finally ACCEPTED.

It was time to RISE.

Just like Batman when he climbed out of the pit after Bane broke his back and left him there to die.

He could have given up, let the world burn....but he didn't.

Bruce Wayne became the man he needed to be to RISE.

The crux of this is encapsulated in the scene at the top of the pit.

As he has to make the final jump.

He tried this jump before with a rope for safety.

But he failed all the attempts and resigned to despair in his cell.

It was only through conversing with a wise man in the prison cell beside him, that he gained the clarity & insight he needed.

"You do not fear death, you think this makes you strong. But it makes you WEAK. How can you move faster than possible? Fight longer than possible? Without the most powerful impulse of the spirit: the FEAR OF DEATH"

".......I do fear death...I fear dying in here as my city burns...and there is nobody there to save it"

"Then make the climb"


"As the child did.......WITHOUT the rope. Then fear will find you again"

Now, Batman realises what needs to be done for his CRUSADE.



He will either make this jump, or he will DIE.

He starts the climb without the rope for the first time.

The other inmates gather around as they know greatness is about to happen.


They start to chant in Moroccan:

"Dey-shey Bah-sur-rah.......dey-shey bah-sur-rah".

Which translates to "HE WILL RISE".

And through answering the call with his whole being & life by utilising his fear instead of avoiding it.........he jumps one final time…….and MAKES IT.

Batman would rather lead his crusade and die, than give up and waste away with regret.

The lesson here is that:

Until you become more FEARFUL of dying with regrets and not leading your crusade, over the fear of death itself…… will not be inspired to make it happen.

And that is where I got to 7 years ago.

My greatest fear wasn’t death.

My greatest fear was dying BEHIND MY MASK. Dying without BECOMING WHO I AM in this world. Dying without finding my CRUSADE and leading it with all my heart & soul.

And once you get here, you can’t fail.

Just watched this scene again.

Jesus Christ that makes me so pumped & inspired! One of the best scenes in movie history.

Tears in my eyes. Dopamine coursing through my body.

Go ahead and read through the comments on the YouTube video of the scene.

You will see all the same reactions.

People brought to tears. People inspired to RISE.

People seeing their own story in Batmans

This is exactly what I'm talking about.

That FEELING we get.

We know the type of person we ASPIRE TO BE.

But most of us shy away from it like I used to for most of my life.

Think about it.

Are you attracted to movies/series where the main character just gives up, has no passion & purpose, and just sits in his room?

Watching life pass them by? No?

......but WHY???

Because nobody would watch it.


Through the screen and also in real-life.

We don't look up to people who are stuck in apathy.

Those who have given up on themselves.

Because we don't want that for ourselves.

We look up to and are inspired by people who embody the values that WE WANT.


If you didn’t, you wouldn’t be able to recognise them in others.

How do you know what courage is, if you haven't been a little courageous at some stage in your life?

If you couldn't BE it, then you wouldn't UNDERSTAND it.

Just like a foreign language you haven't studied.

You can't BE it, so you don't understand it.


It's inherent in all humans.

It's innate to our civilsation.

We ALL understand values either consciously or subconsciously.

I am just bringing it into your conscious awareness now so that you can understand it better.

Just like it was done for me.

Realise that 'being successful' or not wasn't what you cared about.

You actually care about becoming a person who DOESN'T SETTLE, and follows their CRUSADE through to the end.

Doing whatever it takes.

Now you are proud of who you have become no matter the outcome.

And this realisation is what enabled me to not settle and chase the life I wanted 7 years ago.

To RISE into who I knew I could be.

We Gravitate Towards Greatness

Higher vibrations give us energy.

Lower vibrations take it away.

We all live somewhere on this scale.

I have been in shame, guilt, apathy & fear at the bottom.

But I went monk mode 7 years ago and cut myself off from societal norms.

I only followed and listened to people who INSPIRED ME.

Those who I know now were higher up the scale than I was.


Because we are attracted to and GAIN ENERGY from those above the vibration scale for us.

That’s why we want to be around them.

“A rising tide lifts all boats”

They will pull us up to their level over time.

It’s also why we don’t want to be around people lower down the scale than us for too long.

As they drain energy from us.

Apathy, guilt & shame are the closest to the bottom as you can see.

Closest to death.

We don’t want to live there.

If you get lost in the purpose famine for too long.

You might not make it out.

As you can see: even desire, anger & pride are better than apathy.

They at least give you more ENERGY to get you moving forward, over staying stuck doing nothing.

Over my journey the last 7 years:

  • I finally overcame the level of fear which held me back most of my life in all areas

  • I entered anger & pride and had a chip on my shoulder. Something to prove to the healthcare practitioners who wrote me off and told me to settle and give up on regaining my Physical Freedom

  • I eventually rose up to courage, acceptance & reason

  • I am probably around the love, joy, and peace area most of the time now

I have finally accepted who I am (my greatness and my shadow).

Which has translated to me being a lot more understanding & compassionate toward other people.

And wanting to lift them up and push them toward a better version of themselves.

The shift has gone from myself and my point to prove.

To my CRUSADE of being the tide that lifts your boat across:

  • Physical Freedom

  • Mental Freedom

  • Lifestyle Design

It’s not just about me now and my life.

I’m living the life I dreamed of all those years ago.

Now it’s about a HIGHER PURPOSE.

To bring as many people as I can to this level.

It will not only improve their life massively.

But it will make them a new tide that lifts many more boats.

And the ripple effects will grow exponentially!

To a better world for everyone.

I have never been more content and at peace with myself in my whole life.

I am joyous, happy, excited for the future!!

And I want you to experience life on this level.

Pursue Purpose or Accept Apathy

What other way is there to live?

What else are you going to do with your life?

Become a junkie for ease?

An addict for entitlement?

I've been there.

Try them and you'll see where that leads.

You'll start sliding down that scale fairly fast.

I always take the abstract and illustrious debates.

And I bring them down to 2 concrete options for myself.

To take us from fluffy philosophical abstraction.

To practical, clear paths forward to make progress in life.

The goal here is CHANGE, not the illusion of change as we end up doing nothing about it.

The goal isn't to be a wise armchair expert who does fuck all but sound smart.

The aim is the ideal citizen, remember?:

"The man of thought AND the man of action"

When you boil it down, there are only 2 options in life:

1) Make progress

2) Make excuses

More specifically to this purpose famine problem:

1) Pursue Purpose

2) Accept Apathy

More specifically to your crusade:

1) Fight for YOUR OWN crusade

2) Fight for SOMEONE ELSE'S crusade

And by choosing:


  • to commit to PURSUING PURPOSE


You will find you will RISE into who you need to be.

You will become WHO YOU WERE BORN TO BE.

Society starts with the self.

But it ends with INTEGRATION.

Becoming who you are, is the ‘self’.

Inspiring others, is the ‘integration’

By overcoming apathy and fighting for your crusade.

You will not only vastly improve your own life.

But you are also sowing the seeds that will prevent the purpose famine from affecting your children’s generation and beyond.

You were a boat raised by other tides.

Now you have become the tide that lifts others.

I’ll leave you with a quote from a podcast I listened to recently which is an appropriate ending to close on:

“Depression = lack of action/no hope for the future. Mens depression gets treated like womens depression. Men are made to feel loved and accepted, when they just want to feel CAPABLE & POWERFUL. Give a man a PURPOSE and the ability to achieve it and he will walk over broken glass with a smile. Feeling capable, powerful, competent, respected, admired. Give a man this and he will suffer until the ends of the earth.

I can only speak from my own experience, but life wasn’t great as that useless lump of metal.

But once I became the DEADLY SWORD WITH A PURPOSE.

A man fit to LEAD MY CRUSADE.

…….life has become an adventure I can’t get enough of.

But you can make up your own mind.

The direction your life takes is ultimately up to you.

It always has, and always will be.

You have a lot more control than you are led to believe.

Become capable.

Find your crusade and fight for it.

And watch the purpose famine disappear like a mirage.

My Week



Audiobook: Letting Go (David R.Hawkins)


  • The Koe Cast: The Future of One-Person Businesses (Take Advantage Now)

  • Modern Wisdom Podcast #594 - Dr Richard Wrangham: The Incredible Evolution of Human Violence

  • Modern Wisdom Podcast #590 - Mark Manson: When Will You Learn to Grow Up?

  • Lex Friedman Podcast: #363 B Team Jiu Jitsu: Craig Jones, Nicky Ryan & Nicky Ryan

Between flights and a lot more walking, I had time to listen to a lot more podcasts! I would usually only get 1-3 per week.


The latest project I am working on is creating a ‘Lifestyle Design’ product.

But after contemplating this week about the best way to move forward with it, I have decided I will turn it into a membership instead of a once-off product.

This means I can:

  • Create a BETTER SERVICE (I can constantly update it as needed over time, unlike a fixed product).

  • More IMPACT (the membership investment will be accessible to everyone now, along with the better service)

It makes more sense to do it this way.

Lifestyle Design = Systematically Designing the Life YOU Want

If you want any of the following:

  • Cultivate passion & find your purpose in life

  • Follow what’s true to yourself and not die with regret like most people

  • Build your own vision and be the change you want to see in the world

  • Having the freedom to do what you want in this life

  • Financial & Location freedom to live life on your terms

  • Build this life around your 9-5 or turn your passion into your career

Then this membership will change your life.

It’s the knowledge & experience over 7 years that brought me from:

  • Finishing college 4k in debt

  • No passion or purpose in this life (living the purpose famine)

  • Facing the 9-5 rate race for life

To now:

  • Living my passion & purpose every day

  • Living the life true to myself & being the change I want to see in the world

  • Turned my passion into my career

  • Have the financial & location freedom to live life on my terms.

  • Traveling the world as I grow my business and impact more people

It’s the life I dreamed of.

But I didn’t settle, took it from my dream…..and turned it into my REALITY.

And I’m excited & pumped to give you the blueprint & guidance to do the same through the membership!

In the meantime, there are coaching options available across the 3 pillars. See the info below:



General Life:

Landed in Phuket Thailand this week! Month done in Bali, now a month in Phuket, and maybe a month in Japan after this! We’ll see.

Just been settling in this week and find coffee shops to work from and training spots.

I joined a CrossFit gym for my strength training and signed up for 10 x Muay Thai privates in the world-famous Tiger Muay Thai!! First time doing Muay Thai. I have one private done and enjoyed it! Looking forward to the rest.

I’m a simple man. Give me:

  • A decent coffee shop to work on my passion & purpose

  • Good facilities to pursue my physical training goals

  • The ability to only learn & study things I am incredibly passionate about

and I’m happy!

Chasing self-actualisation physically, mentally, spiritually, in business……that’s the life true to me.


1) Night out with an old college friend Joe who happens to live in Phuket! He is a music producer living the life true to himself and killing it! Inspiring to be around people like this on the same path as myself.


Goal: 4-6 sessions

  • STRENGTH: 2 sessions

    - One Arm Chin Up session

    - Upper (Push)

  • SKILL: 1 session

    - 1 x Muay Thai Private

Only hit 3, but the day on planes and a night out messed that up! No worries, it’s being consistent 80% of the time that matters. And I am.

On these weeks I follow the advice I give clients:

“If you can’t do what you want, do what you CAN”

And that enables me to keep moving forward as best I can no matter the circumstance.

That’s it for this week!

Are you living in the purpose famine?

Or have you already escaped the main plague of our generation?

If you aren’t looking forward to the week ahead, then it’s time for a harsh truth:


I’ve been there on Sunday nights with knots in my stomach about the week ahead.

What kind of way is that to live your life?

Not looking forward to the life ahead of you?

As Gary Vee would say - “If you hate Mondays, your shit is broken”

I’m excited and looking forward to Monday and the rest of the week, month, year, my life!!!

And you can too.

If you don’t want to settle for that life anymore, you know what to do.

You have a lot more control than you think.

Don't Settle,
