Progress is NOT Always Linear (3 Steps to Make the Valley Your Victory)

You might think I have known how to get progress all my life.

But it couldn't be further from the truth.

From 23 to 30 I've got the progress I only dreamed of.

But up to 23, it was a joke.

I STRUGGLED to get the progress I wanted in ALL areas of life.

This is the only reason I finally dove into how progress works.

Sick of settling for the apathetic average.

For not being happy with my life.

This newsletter is going to discuss one pivotal understanding that changed my life forever in terms of getting long-term progress.

One key foundational understanding of how progress works on a deeper level.

To turn brick walls into double glazed windows for you.

So that you can see how long-term progress is actually achieved.

There is nothing special about it.

It only looks amazing and out of reach because you don't understand how it works.

Just like a magician’s tricks.

They AMAZE you, and you think you would never be able to do something like that.

But once you understand how it's done........the illusion is gone.

You go from illusion, to INSIGHT.
From dark, to LIGHT.
From confusion, to UNDERSTANDING.

This information is one of the reasons I had the confidence to say I will 6-ball juggle from just 5 mins a day.

Because I knew everything in this newsletter years ago, and much more.

2.5 years later from not knowing how to juggle, I can 5-ball juggle from just 5 mins daily.

That's the power of combining:

  • The understanding of how progress actually works

  • The understanding of the amazing ADAPTABILITY of the human brain/body

  • The understanding of the amazing power of SMALL GAINS

Once you combine these - you become UNSTOPPABLE.

That is guywhodidntsettle's superpower.

He is the boogeyman of goals.

His relentless confidence doesn't come from airy-fair fragile egoic claims.

It comes from FACTUAL EVIDENCE of how progress actually works.

And understanding how to use this to his advantage.

As you can see, long-term progress comes from UNDERSTANDING.


The path to empowerment for the individual is:

Take Ownership -> Get Educated.

Ownership and education are the answers to your problems.

But before taking ownership we need INSPIRATION.

And that's why I called myself guywhodidntsettle.

The first step is being INSPIRED to take ownership.

And when you see I have done it, you will know you can too.

I will lead you to the education that unlocked long-term progress for me.

Today we will dive into the inevitable lows on the journey.

A problem that derails most people.

Progress is NOT Always Linear

We think that people who get long-term progress have it plain sailing all the way to the top.

That they haven't been in the valley of despair many times.

I can guarantee you that they have.

The difference is that they KNOW the journey will have its ups and downs.

They are mentally prepared for the downs and how to handle them.

Like most things in life, we have 2 choices when shit hits the fan:

1) We can run from it and never overcome this issue

2) We can face it and learn the lessons life is trying to teach us

We can turn from it.
Or we can let it TRANSFORM us.

We can leg it.
Or we can LEVEL UP from it.

I've been the man who ran from any discomfort, from any pain.

And I can tell you it doesn't get better.

You have to face it sooner or later.

Stop kicking the can down the road.

Face it and overcome it.

It's just like the monsters under your bed when you were a kid.

They only had a hold over you when you were AFRAID to face them.

Once you summoned the courage to look under the bed.

You saw there was nothing there.

You spent so much time worrying over something irrelevant, instead of moving forward in life the way you wanted.

Once we face the fact that progress is NOT always linear upwards like a diagonal line.

When we finally ACCEPT this.

Now we can start moving towards the solution on how to handle this.


The Valley Is the Victory

Once we accept that the journey of long-term progress has deep downs as well as unreal ups.

We can start to uncover the truth:


How ironic.

You can't see it yet.

But by the end of this newsletter, you won't be able to unsee it.

The 'bad' thing about progress is actually the 'good' thing that will set us apart from others.

It will be the catalyst that will separate those who get long-term progress from those who don't.


Glad you asked.

Let's go through the 3 steps.

1) The Purpose of Valleys: To Create Space For RECREATION.

Mother nature always has the answers we are looking for.

Mother nature knows more about progress than all humankind.

She has been here long before humans.

And she will be here long after we are gone.

So what is the purpose of a valley in nature?


Valleys usually have rivers.

And they end up becoming areas for recreation and population growth.

As rivers bring the resources needed for populations to survive and grow.

So let’s take the cues from mother nature.

The valleys on your journey of progress is where you RECREATE yourself.

Where you recreate your:

  • Character

  • Understanding of progress

  • Potential for long-term progress

The reality is that you will become a stronger person physically & mentally if you use the valley for the same reason they are present in nature.

You will become wiser & smarter.

You will become a better version of yourself.

2) The Ups & Downs Are What Make You

Avoiding struggle is what makes us weak.

We get stronger through EXPOSURE, not avoidance.

ENDURING struggle and overcoming it is what makes us STRONG.

Physically, mentally, name it.

And it's no different on our quest for long-term progress across:

  • Physical Freedom

  • Mental Freedom

  • Lifestyle Design

Not only is the valley the catalyst to make you stronger.

It's the point that separates the men from the boys.

The practitioners from the dabblers.

The ones who are serious about cultivating the character needed for long-term progress, from those who aren't.

Here are some examples across different areas of life:


  • The point where your index fund has a massive dip is where most people pull out their money......but it was the exact WORST time to do so.

  • You should have endured it and reaped the benefits down the line as it rebounds.


  • The point where a life situation gets tough is where most people drop off and give up.......but this was the exact WORST time to do so.

  • Enduring this moment would have been the catalyst to make you more resilient over the long term. To learn the lessons life was teaching you.

  • Now you would be able to overcome things like this and tougher in the future.


  • The point where a relationship gets tough is where most people pull the parachute.......but it was the exact WORST time to do so.

  • You only dug a shallow hole and jumped ship at the first sign of reality (that you need to compromise in relationships. You aim for the higher ideal of the relationship, not your own ego).

  • You should have committed and tried to make it work and you would come out a better person either way. You would either have a great relationship over time, or else it still wouldn't work but you have learned tonnes more about how relationships work and what you want in the next one.

The reality is that without the 'downs' and valleys you so adamantly try to avoid.

You wouldn't become the person who can REACH the 'ups' and highs you want in this life.

3) Value Investing: Warren Buffets Secret to Success

Not only is the valley something that will make you a better person.

It will become your COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE.

Warren Buffet (one of the greatest investors of all time - worth over 100 billion as of 2023) will illustrate this for us.

Without it, he wouldn’t have had the same success.

One of Buffet’s most famous lines always stuck with me:

"Be fearful when others are greedy, and greedy when others are fearful"

Let's break down what this means in investing first.

And then for our journey of getting long-term progress for anything in life.


In investing terms, Warren popularised "Value Investing".

This is when he identifies a stock in the market that is currently 'undervalued'.

He invests a lot of money into this stock as he knows the inherent potential it has, even if others can't see it yet.

He’s betting on a ‘sure thing’.

He will hold on through the inevitable ups and down, through the peaks and valleys........and he will reap the LONG-TERM REWARDS over time.

When everyone else drops off during the valleys and low days, Warren buckles in for the ride.

When everyone thinks "I knew it wouldn't work", Warren thinks "I knew this would work".

Then run from adversity, he leans into it.

When they are 'FEARFUL' and sell the stock on the lowest day in the valley, Warren is "GREEDY" and buys that stock for pennies on the dollar (at a great discount).

Now in 5/10/15/20/40 years........Warren reaps the benefits of understanding that PROGRESS IS NOT ALWAYS LINEAR.


And he laughs his way to the bank.

As others sit around complaining about the system or berrating people who played the game better than they did.

Warren still drives his 2014 Cadillac.

And gets the same McDonald’s breakfast for no more than $3.17 each day.

No jokes haha.

An interesting man to say the least.

Spends most of the day reading newspapers on companies & stocks (looking for his next undervalued stock to buy through his value investing strategy).

It was never about the money for him, it was about the GAME he loved playing.

And once you know the cheat codes of the game, you can’t lose.



When we hit the valleys and low points on our journeys in life.

Others get FEARFUL.

They think:

  • This isn't working

  • I can't do this

  • There must be a better way

And they go off looking for the next FIX, the next HACK.........

.......that doesn't fucking exist.

And they end up on the roundabout of delusion and average progress like most of the world.

When it doesn't have to be that way.

But this is when we get GREEDY:

  • When others give up on themselves, we back ourselves.

  • When others think it's not working, we know it's part of the process.

  • When others are jumping ship, we are throwing down the anchor.

The others don't have the understanding of how progress works to be able to handle the valley.

They become an emotional wreck and pull the plug.

Thinking they are saving themselves, but they are really denying their true greatness from emerging.

They don't use the valley as a tool for recreation and cultivation.

They use it as an excuse to drop off.

And we benefit from their lack of cultivation.

With fewer players in the game, it’s easier to stand out.

At the bottom of the mountain, it’s overcrowded.

At the top, there’s barely anyone to be seen.

Most people in modern life can’t handle the ‘altitude sickness’ that comes with chasing your goals.

They treat it like a death sentence when it’s just something to prepare for and be managed.

View the Journey of Progress Like A Stock Chart

To conclude, I will leave you with the analogy that always stuck with me to this day.

Thinking of long-term progress from the perspective of a stock chart has been massively helpful on my own journey across body, mindset & life (and for clients too!).

The stock chart analogy really hits home how PROGRESS IS NOT ALWAYS LINEAR:

  • If you zoom OUT (over months and years) can see the diagonal line upwards, CLEAR PROGRESS

  • But if you zoom IN (over the days and weeks) see the inevitable ups and downs along the way. The REALITY OF PROGRESS that people don’t see. (the red patches on the chart)

This helps us to:

  • Reset our perspective to an empowering one

  • Give us confidence in the overall process as we realise these dips are normal

  • Allows us to keep chasing the small gains regardless of whether it’s a ‘good’ or ‘bad’ week, as we know its the commitment to the process OVER TIME that’s most important

This helped me massively on my own first journey to getting long-term progress with Physical Freedom.

It still helps me hugely now with strength progress towards the one arm chin up, business progress, and everything in life to be honest!

Because I understand this fundamental truth about how progress works.

When I have a bad day, a bad week, a bad month……..I stick to the process. I continue to invest in myself over-pulling out.

I'm able to regain my perspective and regulate my emotions.

For example when I haven’t made progress with the one arm chin up over weeks…….I'm like Mark ZOOM OUT:

  • 4 years ago you could barely do normal chin-ups

  • Now you are close to a one-armed chin-up


And I can get my perspective again and refocus.

The reality is that I’m just currently in another valley.

One that I will look back on in years to come from an even HIGHER peak.

I understand that I am just in a current ‘dip on the stock chart’.

But I will be a stock that hit the big time if I keep going through these inevitable moments where it dips.

If I cash out now, that’s game over.

I realised it’s only the ones that KEEP GOING during the ‘bad’ times, that make it to the big time.

And to be honest, if you can't endure the climb then you don't deserve the view from the peak.

The red parts of the stock chart are where there were big dips.

Where most people take out their money.

From their mobility stock/business stock/lifestyle design stock, whatever it is! It’s all the same.

But if they kept consistent with it, they would have got the benefits over time!

So no matter what happens, if it’s a 'good' or 'bad' week, the best approach is to keep investing money in the fund. It'll all add up over time like your pension!

(Unless you don’t have the right ‘Attitude & Approach’ behind it. A topic for another newsletter).

When you are in these moments, ask yourself:

“Are you here for the short-term gratification or the LONG TERM DOMINATION?!”

Same for investing.

Same for your:

  • Physical Freedom.

  • Mental Freedom

  • Lifestyle Design

Same for anything in your life.

We keep investing in the stock, no matter what the price is on a specific day.

As we know it will all add up MASSIVELY over time.

This is the biggest hurdle that the majority fall down on.

Without the right education, coaching & guidance, people don’t stand a chance.

But with the right attitude & approach, you’ll be the stock that hit the big time.


Value Invest in YOURSELF

If you don’t already know it, I’ll be the one to tell you:

YOU are the stock with inherent value.

YOU are destined for GREATNESS.

At 23 when I started doing the work, I knew I was the stock with inherent value (because all humans are).

Some realise their potential, some don’t.

But knowing everything in this email and more.

I knew it was inevitable I would be ‘successful’ and get progress in all areas of my life now going forward.

And get ‘amazing’ progress in time.

And when the world finally realised my value.

In the words of Nate Diaz after he choked out Conor McGregor:

"I'm not surprised motherfuckers".

Once you start taking ownership and educating yourself on how progress works.

You won’t be surprised when you start getting long-term progress either.

The WORST thing you can do (just like in value investing on the stock market).

Is pulling out your money in the valley when the stock has dropped.


Panicking and pulling out made the loss go from mental to PHYSICAL.

You brought the loss from the abstract to the concrete.

You failed the mental test that separates the ones who get long-term progress from those who don't.

If you just endured it with the right mindset, the stock would come back up over time.

The loss would have ceased to exist over the long term.

The ability to invest in yourself at your lowest points, is what will reap you the rewards in terms of the character & progress that you want in life.


The Valley Reveals Who You Are

"Circumstances don't make the man, they only reveal him to himself" -


The circumstances don't 'change' you.

They don’t make you a different person.

They only REVEAL who you are CURRENTLY.

Here are some examples to clarify:

  • If John is a person of integrity & value, the 'circumstance' of him having the opportunity to steal money from his neighbours will REVEAL if he really is a person of integrity or not. He either values integrity or he values money more. We will find out

  • If Mark claims he has this 'Don't Settle' Attitude, the circumstance of him having the opportunity to give up after he gets another injury will REVEAL how strong his mindset is or not.

You get the point.

All circumstances do is REVEAL WHO YOU ARE.

And if you are a person of value (which everyone can be), then INVEST IN YOURSELF.

Through the ups and downs.

Through the valleys and peaks.

And you'll be the stock that hits the big time.

See you at the top.

My Week



Paperback: Beyond Good & Evil (Friedrich Nietzsche)

Audiobook: Letting Go (Dr. David R. Hawkins)


  • Modern Wisdom Podcast #601 - Dr. Andrew Thomas: Evolution’s Secrets to Understanding Relationships

  • The DGR Podcast - Mobility/FRC & Integration



1) Documentary

  • The documentary Martin Irvine Productions shot with me in February just before I went on the Asia travels is nearly ready!

  • I am getting the 1st draft this week to review! Can’t wait to see what it looks like.

  • I had to send him some childhood pictures, so you can have a laugh at some of the ones mam dug up! haha

Christ!!! A few throwbacks there!!!!!

2) New Website

  • Will be investing in a brand new website. Will be splashing out on this one!

  • I’ll need a website to house the new Lifestyle Design Membership and also I wanted to get a proper one at some stage!

  • Will be able to have it as the hub for all my products/services/newsletter etc!

  • And the documentary will be on the welcome page of the site

  • Had a meeting this week with a potential designer for the website



General Life:

Back into my proper routine this week! After arriving in Phuket halfway through last week.

Enjoying living the life I designed for myself!


I haven’t anything booked in the calendar at the time of writing this.

But I have picked out 3 or 4 activities I want to do during my month in Phuket!

1) James Bond Island (Fifi Islands)
2) Phuket Elephant Sanctuary
3) Zipline & ATV OR Phuket City Tour
4) Joe’s trip (college friend Joe’s driving motorbike tour he recommend)
5) Phatong Boxing Stadium (go watch a Muay Thai event!)

And then 2 on the ‘maybe’ list:

1) Jet ski trip for 2
2) Hogs Head for beers (Harry Potter fans will understand that!)


Goal: 4-6 sessions (hit 5)

  • STRENGTH: 3 sessions

    - One Arm Chin Up session

    - Upper (Push)
    - Leg session

  • SKILL: 2 sessions

    - 2 x Muay Thai Privates

Back to my proper training routine too!

Loving the Muay Thai! 2nd private this week.

I paid for 10 so 8 more to go!

Got a video recording of a round this session. You’ll see it on my Instagram.

Here are some screenshots that probably make it look cooler than it was! haha

That’s it for this week!

Are you the stock of inherent value heading for the top?

Or are you the stock that gets pulled out of the market at the first sign of turbulent times?

Arm yourself with this knowledge of how to make the valley your VICTORY.

And upward trajectory is inevitable.

If I didn’t implement this knowledge, I wouldn't be in Thailand right now.

I’d be at home wondering how all these online coaches seem to ‘make it’.

Thinking it’s a pipe dream.

You can live life by default or live life by DESIGN.

YOU are the master of your own fate.

Excuses are the platitudes of pessimistic souls.

Listen to them at your peril.

You have a lot more control than you are led to believe.

Don't Settle,
