The Physical Freedom 1:1 Coaching Program

(The Physical Freedom 1:1 Coaching Program is open and taking on more clients from today! Dated 4th March 2023. It will be open for 2 weeks or so until the spaces are filled. If you have been following the results of myself & clients, are inspired to not settle anymore, and are ready to get your Physical Freedom back then now is your chance! The program is explained in detail in this article and will answer all your questions!)

A common question I get asked is:

“What’s involved in your coaching?”

“Who is your coaching for?”

I will outline it all here in detail so that you know exactly:

  • Who the program is for

  • The benefits of the program

  • What’s included in the program (the 5 pillars of the program)

  • What level of clients I work with

  • What commitments I make & what I expect from you

  • Why I started the program

  • Next steps for those interested in signing up

  • Client Testimonials of people who have come through the program

Who is the Physical Freedom 1:1 Coaching Program For?

The program is designed for those who have lost their Physical Freedom.

To be more specific, if you:

  • Suffer from chronic pain & injury affecting your quality of life

  • Were forced to settle & give up the sport/activities you love to do

  • Are limited and not able to show your true potential in sport/life

  • Know you won't be able to look after family & play with kids as you age

  • Tried all the quick fixes and been to the 'experts' but it's just not working

If you suffer from some or all of these issues.

Then this program will change your life.

These were my greatest fears, and I suffered all of them.

That's why I swore to myself I wouldn't settle for that life, and I would do whatever it takes to get my Physical Freedom back.

And nearly 6 years later, here I am - providing the service I desperately needed all those years ago but never got.

It would have changed my life.

But instead, I went the healthcare route for 10 years and was told to settle and give up on it.

Like countless others around the world are told.

But we don’t get what we deserve.

We get what we SETTLE for.

And I know you don’t want to settle if you are reading this.

The Benefits of the Physical Freedom Program

Regaining your Physical Freedom so you can do whatever you want with your body, from sports/activities to life!

More specifically:

  • Overcome your chronic pain & injury

  • Able to realise your true potential in your sport & life

  • Improved quality of life & mental health as a result

  • Finally understanding how your body works, why the quick fixes didn't work & how to manage your body long term

  • Learning the Attitude & Approach (Mindset & Strategy) to get progress long term with your body, and everything else in life!

  • At peace in the knowledge that you know how to look after your body, and you will be able to care for your family/kids as you age

When you lose your Physical Freedom.........everything else becomes pointless.

Being strong, being ripped, being successful in your job etc etc.

It all takes a back seat. You don’t give a shit anymore.

You’ll see what’s REALLY important when you lose it as I did.

You don’t appreciate:

  • your eyesight until you go blind in one eye

  • your loved ones until they are gone

  • your Physical Freedom until it’s TAKEN AWAY FROM YOU

It starts off slow, but then proceeds to seep into every area.

Insidiously taking over your life bit by bit.

Until one day you wake up wondering how you got here?!

The truth is EVERYONE is going to lose their Physical Freedom at some stage if they don't prioritise their body.

It might happen in:

  • Your 40s

  • Your 30s

  • Or for the more unlucky folk, it might happen in your teens/20s like it did for me

That moment is coming whether you like it or not.

It's a ticking time bomb.

Having lost my own at 25 and my life being taken away from me, my purpose is to keep as many people away from this as possible.

I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.

Whether you have already lost it, or you are only feeling the start of it.

The best time to act is NOW.

Thinking you will be fine is like never brushing your teeth and thinking that won't catch up with you.

I've been there. You won't be fine.

Trust me, or find out the hard way like I did.

What's Included in the Physical Freedom Program

There are 5 pillars to the Physical Freedom 1:1 Coaching Program:

  1. PLAN





Steps 1 & 2 are the ones with a lot of detail.

Steps 3,4,5 are straightforward enough.

Let’s dive in!

1) Plan

Macro Level (Bigger picture plan)

“If you fail to plan, you plan to fail”

Without a structured plan, you will never reach your destination.

Because you don't even know what it is.

My experience of the healthcare industry was just being labelled with a certain 'diagnosis', and then given the 'fix' for this diagnosis.

And if that didn't work, pffff, nothing they can do really.

On to the next healthcare professional.

Repeat for 10 years.

The end result for me from the 'experts'?

Given 5 DIFFERENT diagnoses of what’s 'wrong' with my body.

Led to believe my body is fucked.

Told to settle and give up sports/activities I loved.

To take up swimming at 25, when I should have been entering the prime physical years of my life.

Through this painful journey, I realised many many things.

But the first thing is that THE OVERALL PLAN from the healthcare industry was never going to work.

Because the plan didn't make sense in terms of how the human body actually works.

Treating me like I'm humpty dumpty who fell off the wall and needs to be glued back together.

And we change & adapt to our environment EVERY DAY.

This means that a LIFESTYLE CHANGE is imperative in terms of getting our Physical Freedom back ......but yet it's not even addressed?!

Think about that for a second.

It's like:

  • Going to the dentist for the 'fix' every 6 months....because the dentist never educates you on how to keep your teeth healthy and look after them YOURSELF (i.e you don't brush your teeth or know that you should)

  • Going to a fat loss program every 6 months and doing aggressive dieting for the 'fix'..... because nobody ever taught you how to manage it yourself (i.e you don't know how to manage your calorie intake)

Just like in these examples, the healthcare industry’s plan KEEPS THE LOCUS OF CONTROL FROM YOU.

They don't EMPOWER YOU to look after your own body.

And through this model and 'plan''s inevitable that you will have to keep going back to them on repeat FOREVER to be 'fixed'.

They don't teach you how to fish, so that you can fish for yourself.

They just keep you on the hook, handing out one fish at a time when you desperately need it.

It took 10 years for the penny to drop for me.

My aim is the OPPOSITE of the healthcare industry.

My goal is for clients to NOT NEED ME ANYMORE.

Whether that takes 3 months or 3 years. You can take it as far as you want.

My goal is for clients to have enough education, coaching & guidance so that they can LOOK AFTER THEIR OWN BODY FOR LIFE going forward.

This is what true PHYSICAL FREEDOM is.

The reality is that true empowerment doesn't come from relying on external factors.

But yet we have been trained to rely on healthcare professionals.

We have been sold a lie that will keep us stuck in that loop forever.

You can read the overarching plan that I use for every client here:

Read that and you'll already see:

  • That the healthcare route's plan is never going to empower you to be able to look after your own body, and regain your Physical Freedom

  • That I have probably taught you more in that free article than you have learned in your whole life going to the 'experts'. Ironic eh? I’ve been told this numerous times

  • That it finally 'makes sense'. You know why you never got progress before. And you are excited to finally start on the journey to your Physical Freedom now

Once I learned to FOLLOW THE RESULTS.

This is when I had the confidence to leave the healthcare route and look for better answers to regaining my Physical Freedom.

Read that article on following the results and you won't only see how this strategy & plan will get you better results than 99% of people.

You'll also see how ridiculous it was that you followed the 'doctorates & degrees' in the first place, and expected that to work.

Micro Level (Specific plan for you)

Once we have the bigger picture plan that the healthcare route doesn't.

We are already set up so much better to get long-term progress in terms of your Physical Freedom.

Then it's time to go into the specific plan for each client.

The specific plan is broken up across Education & Training:



  • I break your training program up across Mobility/Strength/Coordination to make it easier for you to understand and learn through the process

  • Mobility: Getting back the necessary range of motion for your sport/life

  • Strength: Increasing the ability to produce & absorb force

  • Coordination: Making sure each part of the body is doing its own job (important to PREVENT future issues. We don't just want to overcome your CURRENT issues, we want to prevent FUTURE ones too)

We want to hit it from ALL angles to ensure we get the best progress possible.

For example: There is no point just working on 'mobility' when your knee is doing 60% of the work on each step of a run instead of 20% (coordination is off from previous injuries etc - this will cause issues in the future if it's not addressed in the rehab process, no matter how ‘strong’ you are).

With this macro & micro plan, we don't just address the actual injury/chronic pain.

We also work on PREVENTING future issues from happening too.

We are here to overcome these issues once and for all. Not more quick-fix bullshit.

Again the teeth analogy is great here: I don't just want to 'clean' your teeth. I want to teach you how to keep your teeth healthy going forward too (how to brush them to PREVENT issues in the future).

2) Training & Education

We need to face reality here.

A clear, concise, well-informed plan is of course necessary as I have shown.

But let's be real.

NOTHING ever goes 100% to plan.

Across body, mindset & life.

It's delusion to think that it will.

The 'Training & Education' pillar of the Physical Freedom Program is the MOST IMPORTANT PILLAR.


Because it's EXACTLY what I needed but never got.

One of the biggest missing links of my own journey of 10 years trying to get back my Physical Freedom.

I had got different 'plans' from:

  • Templates online

  • Physios/doctors/osteopaths/chiros etc

But there was never any training & education. No expert guidance along each step.

I'd hit a roadblock…..and then not have a fucking clue what to do.

Then I get frustrated….motivation drops and you think what's the point?!

Maybe my body is ‘fucked’ like I am being told….

…..and you book in your next appointment.

Thinking that it’s somehow going to be different this time.

And this loop continues forever.

We play out Einsteins definition of insanity:

There is nothing that is more certain sign of insanity than to do the same thing over and over and expect the results to be different

Albert Einstein

I’ve been insane for 10 years from this lens.

And no doubt you have been for quite some time too.

Stuck on the roundabout of injuries and average progress.

It took 10 years for the penny to finally drop for me.

It should have dropped for you now too.

So what is it that we need to stop this loop?

What You Need

We need GUIDANCE through all the inevitable ups & downs, twists & turns on the journey, from someone who has been there before.

From someone who has also guided many people through it already.

I think back to some of the ‘experts’ that dealt with me.

It was very clear that some of them have never suffered from chronic pain from the way they talked to me.

I’ve been there, I get it.

And I’m here to guide you through every step of the way.

This is why I have live 1:1 zoom calls with every client once a month. (full access to me in between each week across WhatsApp - you'll see this and more in the 'support' pillar further down).

I've noticed that most premium programs don't actually do this, and I was advised by one of my mentors to cut the live sessions too.

Coaches are encouraged to cut these live client sessions to:

  • Get more time back for themselves

  • To do more marketing & sales and get more clients

  • To get more money which lets them keep growing the business

I mean, it makes sense that this is what a business mentor would teach you.

But I thought about it, and nope.

I'm not interested in getting 100s of clients and getting them average results.

I prefer to keep a smaller number of clients, be able to give them my ALL....and get them THE BEST RESULTS POSSIBLE.

Why? Because this is what I NEEDED, but never got.

Nobody gave me the time. Or the level of guidance I needed.

I still remember going to the Doctor of the Irish Rugby team for my chronic pain & injury.

Walking in with a list of all my issues.

I got told I have 20 mins, so pick one issue.

€220 gone.

No education, no plan, no guidance, just another diagnosis.....

I understand his time is limited and bla bla bla, but that's why I'm committed to BEING THE CHANGE I WANTED TO SEE IN THE WORLD.

I am committed to making the best service possible for younger Marcus that I can. And the live session each month to guide each client is an integral part of that.

We will be in touch across the training app and WhatsApp each week.

And then every 4 weeks or so, we have the live session.

4 weeks is a good amount of time where you can have made some progress and SMALL GAINS with the program.

Then we have the live session to add more education & progressions to the program

And of course review the whole program and go through all your questions/roadblocks that you may have.

By the end of each live 1:1 session:

  • You have all your questions answered

  • You have clarity on what needs to be done for the upcoming month

  • You have confidence in yourself and the program now as you have got all the guidance and support you need.

  • All roadblocks are removed and you are at ease and excited for the journey

There is no time limit for these calls.

I book them for an hour, but some sessions have gone 90 mins, 120 mins. I think the longest was 3 hours haha.

Like I said, I'm committed to this. To YOU.

To my dream of giving everyone the education and coaching to regain their PHYSICAL FREEDOM.

Everyone gave up on me.

But I won't give up on you.

3) Support

The support is obviously from me!

And it's across a number of apps:

  • Zoom: monthly zoom call as described in Step 2

  • Truecoach: training app that houses your program

    (each exercise has 2 videos. One 'form' video, and one 'Why & How' video explaining the reason behind it. For those like younger Marcus who had no clue why he was doing certain exercises and wanted to know! I have people come through the program who end up becoming coaches too - so it's perfect for those as it's all laid out in great detail. If you aren't too interested in the science behind it, that's cool, you can still get the progress you without going that deep on it)

  • Typeform: I send out the weekly check-in forms each week on Typeform. You answer a list of questions that help you reflect on your week and see what’s going well (important to celebrate the small wins!) and what is holding you back. We troubleshoot from there to overcome anything holding you back for the coming week

  • WhatsApp: You have full access to me on WhatsApp through text/voicenote/sending form videos. Whatever you want!

The easiest way to explain my 'level of support' is the following:

"I'll give you as much or as little help as you need".

That's what I tell each client when they get started.

I was the curious client who wanted to know EVERYTHING. So I offer the service that GIVES everything.

If you are like that too - this will be a life-changing experience for you.

I'm happy to teach all I know across body, mindset & life to clients. I don't hold back any 'secrets'.

I just want everyone to get the progress I have.

It’s 100% possible, but people just don’t understand how I did it.

They think there is some ‘secret’.

Or that it came ‘easy’ for me. Once you read/watch “why I started the program” further down.

And see me nearly cry as I try to tell my story of suffering from chronic pain as early as a teenager, you tell me if this came easy or not.

Once you come through the program you will see there was nothing special about it at all.

That it was all down to my ATTITUDE & APPROACH, that I learned through going to war to get my Physical Freedom back.

And I give this all to you in the program.

The glass ceiling gets shattered.

Not just for your body and your Physical Freedom, but for your whole LIFE.

You’ll see how amazingly adaptable the human body & brain are.

And how you can make ‘unreal’ progress over time when you understand this, and pair it with the power of SMALL GAINS.

4) Accountability

Digging Deeper

We all know what accountability is.

But I'll dig a little deeper into it for you.

Accountability is proven in theory & practice to make you WAY more likely to follow through.

Think about it: are you more likely to go to the gym on a wet & windy morning if you :

1) Are going alone

2) Promised your friend you would be there and you already paid for the gym pass

Pretty clear.

The reason the 2nd option is way more likely to make you go?


We all struggle with this, myself included.

That's why I haven't been without a coach for the last 5 years of my life(ranging across from body, mindset & life).

An absolute game-changer for me, and I wish I understood this sooner.

I will be holding you accountable to the program and the reason you signed up in the first place:

To get your PHYSICAL FREEDOM back.

Is it going to be a walk in the park? Nope.

If it was, you'd have done it already.

But not having a coach in your corner who:

  • Deeply cares & resonates with your situation

  • Has overcome it himself and helped countless clients do it too simply playing life on 'hard mode'.

I've ALREADY played this journey of regaining my Physical Freedom on hard mode.

Which lets me give you the 'easier' mode.

What Coaches Actually Give You:

People don't actually know what a coach gives you.

I didn't for a long time.

They give you your TIME back. And time is the most important resource of all.

For example, you can either:

  • Try to figure this out yourself or go through the healthcare route with no education & guidance.............and maybe get there in 10 years yourself. But probably not

  • Hire a coach and get there in 1 year

Let's say it cost you 1k for the coach.


Even the richest trillionaires in the world can't buy their time back to do the things they wanted to do.

Money comes and goes. But time is gone FOREVER.

We all spend 10s or 100s of thousands on shit over a lifetime that we don't really care about.

But yet when it comes to the ONLY BODY WE WILL EVER becomes an afterthought.

"Don't have time"........."Can't afford it"......"insert excuse that doesn't really make sense"

......Ironic eh?

I'm pointing out all the flaws in younger Marcus thinking, that I wish someone said to me all those years ago.

I needed these harsh truths.

They would have saved me from heartbreak.

But when my past pain equals your future PROGRESS.

Then it's all been worth it.

And I wouldn’t have it any different.

5) Community

I'm actually a lot more introverted than people might think if they follow me on Instagram.

If you want to know the truth, I suffered from social anxiety most of my life.

Having to talk in public at all made my face burn. I hated it. I wanted to be a fly on the wall wherever I went.

But having learned how to go from social anxiety to quiet confidence, I finally built myself into the person I needed to be, to be able to answer this call of helping people regain their Physical Freedom.

Why do you think I called myself the guywhodidntsettle?

Because I am a man of integrity, a man of my word…..and this FORCED ME TO RISE INTO WHO I NEEDED TO BECOME.

I didn't settle for losing my Physical Freedom.

Then it was time to not settle with my social anxiety, and overcome that so I can help others get back their Physical Freedom.

All this to show you that I'm not big on groups. I never liked them. I loved the 1:1 interaction as this is where you see the REAL person.

Without all the social pressure and them behaving in ways they think they need to, to get approval from people they probably don't even like.

So that’s why I am keeping this program as a 1:1 focus like I described in point 2.

As this is how you get the best progress.

But on the community side, there is a Facebook Group where all the educational videos are housed.

There are also interviews with past clients giving their wisdom & insights from their own journey to regaining their Physical Freedom that you can watch too.

I also aim to meet each client at least once in person if possible!

For training, a coffee, a pint, whatever!

I'm proud to call clients friends.

I may introduce live events and meet-ups in the future.

But rather than building the program around 'the community', I build it around YOU.

As that’s what young Marucs needed.


Level of Client

Now that you know:

  • Who the program is for

  • The benefits of the program

  • What’s included in the program (the 5 pillars of the program)

Let’s move on to other questions I get asked.

As you are probably wondering them in your head too.

“What level of client do you take on? Is it just athletes?”


I’ve helped people from all along the spectrum, from all walks of life.

I love educating & coaching clients through the process of getting their Physical Freedom back.

It’s something very close to my heart as it plagued my life for so long.

To be more specific, I’ve helped people:

  • From the bottom of the Physical Freedom spectrum:

    (Overcoming chronic pains & injuries and getting back to doing the sport/activity they love)

  • Towards the top of the Physical Freedom spectrum:

    (Those looking to see what their body is really capable of and reach their true potential in their chosen sport/life)

I have worked with clients from:

  • 32 different sports/activities

  • Across 3 different continents

  • Across 23 different careers

  • Covering injuries to all joints in the human body

  • From the elderly just wanting to walk pain-free, all the way up to elite-level athletes aiming for the Olympics

I don’t care who you are, where you are from, your job, your background, your sport, your location……

If you don’t want to settle any longer, and you want nothing more than to get your Physical Freedom back.


Just like an army going to war, you don’t leave a good man/woman behind.

And in this war on misinformation holding us back from our Physical Freedom.

I won’t settle until I’ve taken everyone I can back from behind enemy lines.

Once you commit to this as much as I do, then my doors are open to you.

The Commitments

From Me

My commitment to you is:

  • I will give you all the time, education, coaching & guidance that you need

  • I will give you my ALL, to help you on your journey to regaining your Physical Freedom

  • I will help you as much or as little as you need

  • I will take ownership of what I can control, and do my very best in these areas

From You

Your commitment to me is:

  • You will finally invest & prioritise in the only body you will ever have

  • You will commit to the program and getting your Physical Freedom back

  • You will be honest with yourself and ask me for help when you need (and not keep it to yourself like we all struggle with at times)

  • You know there will be ups and down, but you will commit to the process & the journey, as this is the most important thing for long term progress

  • You will take ownership of what you can control, and do your best in these areas

If you commit to this, progress will be inevitable in time.

If you don’t commit to this, I wouldn’t take you on as a client.

Because even the ‘best program ever’ wouldn’t work.

As you don’t have the foundations in place that you need to actually get long-term progress with your body, or anything else in life.

How Progress Actually Works

I like to think of progress like a stock chart:

  • Zoom OUT (over months & years)........and you see a diagonal line upwards. Looks like CLEAR PROGRESS

  • Zoom IN (over days and weeks)..........and you see all the ups and downs of reality

This really helped me on my journey. And clients love it too.

You might see me doing the splits now and think "WOW......I could never do that?!".

But you are just looking at the ZOOMED OUT version of my stock chart over 5 years, you don’t see my day-to-day from ground zero where I was wrote off by the experts.

You didn't see all the ups and downs on my journey. All the:

  • Roadblocks I had to overcome on the way.

  • Times I felt like giving up but I didn’t.

  • Times I doubted the process but trusted my coach and stuck with it.

Knowing this from the outset, gave me the confidence to commit to the process and just focus on the SMALL GAINS each day and week.

Once I studied how progress works, I realised:

‘Big gains are an illusion. Any perceived ‘big gain’ is just an ACCUMULATION OF SMALL GAINS OVER TIME”

This let me pull people down off the pedestals I placed them on in my head.

Those who were getting ‘amazing ‘ progress.

I realised then, that I was just looking at their zoomed-out stock chart. Over 2,5,10,20,30 YEARS.

The human body can only adapt in small gains. They have just had a smart plan, a great coach, and been consistent over decades.

If the body really COULD adapt with ‘big gains’……then we would be able to go to the gym for a few months and come out looking like Arnold Schwarzenegger?!

But that doesn’t happen does it?

We understand that ‘great strength progress’ with our body can take months to years.

But yet when it comes to ‘great mobility progress’, we are led to believe that cracky backy in the chiropractors is all we need?!

Literally makes no fucking sense.

If that’s how the body works, I’d be able to rub your biceps and they would somehow change and grow stronger.

We are brainwashed into following these fix’s that make no sense, and will never get us our Physical Freedom back.

Fucked Hips to Front Splits

I can pretty much do anything with my body now.

I even took it to the level of the splits.

To prove a point to MYSELF, but also to the WORLD.

I’ve literally been told by an ‘expert’ who worked with me for months, that the splits were impossible for me so don’t even bother.

She laughed in disbelief at my defiant attitude.

When I told her I don’t just want my Physical Freedom back.

I want to take it ALL THE WAY. I want to get the front split one day (as I was literally failing a table test on my ‘fucked’ hips for the umpteenth time).

The truth is I ‘shouldn’t’ be here. I ‘shouldn’t’ be doing the things I can now with my body. From the ‘mainstream’ lens of course.

But once you go through the program, you’ll see how backwards the healthcare route really is.

And how we have so much more control over this than we are led to believe.

The SMALL GAINS will take you anywhere you want in time.

If you truly understand the amazing ADAPTABILITY of the human body, and how progress actually works.

Humans have literally adapted from the starting point of swinging out of trees in Africa 6 million years ago………to conquering the food chain, taking over the world, then building rockets that can fly to other planets…

…….but yet we are told that we can’t adapt and move our hips a bit better? Our spine? That we can’t change our body and get it prepared for things we love to do again?!


Your bullshit detector should be going off.

There are so many flaws to pick out I could be here all day.

Why I Started the Program

My Story

For those who want to know my story in more detail, you can watch this video:

I suffered with chronic pain & injury for 10 years.

I followed the normal healthcare route:

  • Physio

  • Chiropractor

  • Osteopath

  • Doctors

  • Foam rolling & stretching

  • Smashing myself with lacrosse balls

  • Other quick fixes

  • Rest & painkillers

This didn’t work.

Short-term relief, yes.

But I was only getting worse long term. Which is what really matters.

I could give you 4 cans of beer and that would help short-term with your chronic pain.

But is that the answer? Clearly not.

After that, I decided to fork out the big bucks.

If I just go to the BEST 'experts', then surely that will work?!

I went to 5 of the best 'experts' I could find at the time which included:

  • The Doctor of the Irish Rugby team

  • The Physio of the Irish Rowing team

  • A physio who lectured in Trinity on the body

  • A well-known and respected osteopath

.........and the results?

Given 5 DIFFERENT diagnoses of what was 'wrong ' with my body.

Not even 2 out of the 5 diagnoses were the same.

Like throwing darts at a dart board.

Ultimately told to 'settle' and give up on it.

My body isn't able to do the things I love anymore.

It's too far gone, there's nothing I can do.

Take up swimming.

At 25 years old, when I should have been coming into the prime of my life.

That's what I get after 10 YEARS?!

After around 8k total spent?!

After all the time, effort & money I put into this?!

Settle and take up water polo with the elderly at 25?!


I had been forced to give up Jiu Jitsu & the gym at that point.

I couldn't do the things I loved anymore.

I had lost my Physical Freedom.

I didn't know much about the body back then, but I knew one thing:


This is NOT how my story ends.

This is where I draw the line in the sand. This is the hill I'm willing to fucking die on.


Rock bottom is where things started to change for me.

I stopped playing the victim, and I cultivated the Don't Settle Attitude from the ground up

I decided to FOLLOW THE RESULTS over doctorates & degrees.

And 6 years later here I am.

Once a person agrees to the commitments above, I will help them.

I want EVERYONE to get their Physical Freedom back.

Because I know what it’s like to lose it.

How it affects everything from sport/activities to your mental health & quality of life.

And I don't want that life for you.

I'll be the guywhodidntsettle.

To show you that YOU don't have to settle either.

That you can regain your Physical Freedom.

Prevention is Better than the Cure

Like our parents tell us - "prevention is better than the cure".

You don't have to be like me and wait until you are fucked to start taking action.

It's a longer road back then:

  • You don't wait until your teeth are going black and falling out, before you start brushing them.

  • Don't wait until you suffering with chronic pain & injury and are forced to give up things you love, before you prioritise your body.

Learn from my mistakes.

Make a decision your future self will thank you for.

A great clarity question I use in my life for making decisions is:

“If my son/daughter was in the situation I am in now……what decision would make me proud of them?”

And once you answer this question truthfully, from your heart……you know what you need to do.

For me:

  • If my son DIDN’T SETTLE and did everything to try and get his Physical Freedom back to live the life he wants……I would be extremely proud of him.

  • If he did settle and give up on it…….and all I heard from him for the rest of his life was “coulda, woulda, shoulda”….”what if’s”, blaming the healthcare industry. Living as a victim for the rest of his life……I wouldn’t be proud of him. He took the easy route out and hides behind it

When I went deeper on this, I realised that if he was “successful” or not……it wouldn’t actually matter to me.

If he got his Physical Freedom back or not wouldn’t change how I felt.

I would be so proud of him for:

The actual outcome itself would be irrelevant.

Once you work through this, you know what you need to do.

Settling Turned me into the guywhodidntsettle

The thing is, I have already lived that other path.

I have settled before. For most of my life actually.

But the turning point was when I settled and gave up on my dream of trying to make it as a professional soccer player before, and ran away from that pain.

Couldn’t face myself. I suppressed it.

You’ll see in that article how seeing someone I played with before, on tv in the airport living his dream… crushed me.

I had subconsciously stopped watching soccer even though it was my life up until 18.

I thought it was because “I didn’t like soccer anymore”.

That’s what I told myself and others.

The easiest person to fool is yourself. And you have to fool yourself before you can fool others.

Little did I know I stopped watching because IT WAS THE MIRROR THAT SHOWED ME WHO I AM.

A man who gives up on his dreams and runs away from it.

That day in the airport I nearly burst into tears trying to eat my breakfast before a flight with an ex gf, and I didn’t know what was happening.

I couldn’t talk or I would have burst into tears. She just held my hand and we sat there in silence.

Settling and giving up on my soccer career showed me who you become when you shy away from things. When you hide from who you know you want to be in this life.

When you hide from what’s true to yourself out of fear.

I was a complete shadow of the man I am today.

But I’m glad I walked that path, because it made me swear to myself no more.


The outcome didn’t even matter. If I pursued it fully and STILL didn’t make it.

I actually wouldn’t have cared.

Because I’d sleep soundly when my head hits the pillow each night.

Knowing I didn’t settle and gave it my all.

And that’s what I want for you.

At peace with yourself and proud of who you have become.

The Easy Route or the Hard One

I have gone the hard route, so that I can show you the easier one.

I created this program to turn my past pain into your future progress.

And it makes it all worth it to bring others like the younger Marcus through the journey of regaining your Physical Freedom.

Along with learning the Attitude & Approach to keep it long-term.

It's one of the greatest gifts I could give anyone.

Wherever you are on the spectrum of Physical Freedom.

I don't want you to wait until you dig a massive hole before you start climbing out of it.

Your journey starts now.

Next Steps

The program only opens on certain months. (you will see it on advertised on my Instagram)

As explained in the article, my aim is to only have a certain amount of clients so that I can give them all the time they need.

Rather than have loads of clients and not be able to give them my full attention. This is part of the problem as I mentioned.

Either way, if the program is currently open or not:

Fill out this Coaching Application Form 

And the following process will happen:

If the program is OPEN:

  • I will be in contact within 24-48 hours to arrange a free consultation call. I only take on clients who I can definitely help and who are a good fit! So we will get to know each other a bit over the call and of course go through your current issues in more detail!

If the program is CLOSED:

  • I will be in contact within a week to give you an idea of when I will be taking on clients again. And if it’s coming up soon, we might go ahead with the consultation anyway and you can take one of the coaching spots as soon as they open up!

My Guarantee

You know what riles me up? (“ehhh the healthcare industry clearly?! haha)

Well yes haha that.

But more specifically?

The fact that after 10 years and 8k of the healthcare industry route, I had NOTHING to show for it.

Ok, fair enough if they couldn't get me my Physical Freedom back.

I know they can’t guarantee that.

But that’s not what made me resentful for a time.

It was the fact that there was no:

It's like paying a maths teacher to learn maths, so you can solve your own sums long term.

But the teacher is just trying to solve the problems himself and keeps failing.

He doesn't even teach you the basics of addition & subtraction.

And in the end…..after all your time, money & effort spent…..

You have no results, no education, NOTHING.

So here's my guarantee to you:

IF I DON'T LEAVE YOU IN A BETTER POSITION THAN I FOUND YOU......I'll give you all your money back. Every cent.

This is to show my integrity, passion & confidence in what I do.

I hold myself to this high standard, and I’m glad to share it with you to put you at ease.

Everything I do is aimed at the younger Marcus, and what would help him the most.

After him spending 8k on the healthcare industry with nothing to show for it but a death sentence for his body.....he would have some doubts around where he would invest his money next.

Through my content, he would have learned to FOLLOW THE RESULTS, which would shatter the ‘illusion of the experts’ for him.

And then this guarantee would show him how much I care about his progress through my show of integrity.

Either we both win, or nobody wins.

Rather than the healthcare route winning every time, while we lose.

Just like a casino in Las Vegas.

Marcus has seen the guarantee from my skin in the game, now it's time to show him the RESULTS.

Client Testimonials

It's easy to show:

  • A "range of motion increase" picture from before & after

  • One text of a client feeling better on a specific day out of context of the whole journey

It's hard to get:

  • Full detailed reviews of the WHOLE JOURNEY.

  • From the starting point, all the way through to getting their PHYSICAL FREEDOM back.

  • Across all different types of ages/locations/sports & activities

  • Across a vast range of different injuries

This is why I give each client all the time they need.

So that I can help them get results like this.

I'll let the Don't Settle Squad take it from here.

The real heroes. The real stars of the show.

  1. Harry Purcell (Irish National Level Sprinter) - For full review, click here  

  1. Jack Gogarty (Gaelic & Gym). For full review, click here

  1. Shane O’Connor (Amateur Golfer & Gym). For full review, click here

  1. Adam Dunne (Crossfit). For full review, click here

  1. Paul Morris (Golf & Gym). For full review, click here

6. Dylan Luddy (Jiu-Jitsu & Gym). For full review, click here

  1. Michael Gogarty (Gaelic & Gym). For full review, click here

  1. Stephen Mellon (Mountain Biking & Gym). For full review, click

  1. Leanne Cassidy (Yoga Teacher & Gym). For full review, click

  1. Peter Lane (Soccer & Gym). For full review, click

  1. Eoin O’Neill (Gaelic & Gym). For full review, click

  1. Mark O’Sullivan (Jiu-Jitsu & Gym). For full review, click here

  1. Eoin Walsh (Hurling & Gym). For full review, click here

  1. Johnny McGarvey (Gym & Running). For full review, click here

  1. Cian Breathnach (Gaelic). For full review, click here

  1. Bill McGrath (Gaelic). For full review, click here

  1. Mark O’Sullivan (Ultrarunner & Gym). For full review, click here

  1. Gary Howard (Hurling & Gym). For full review, click here

  1. Ethan Madden (Soccer: Ex-Spurs Youth Player). For full review, click here

  1. Alastair Nolan (Gym & Running). For full review, click here 

  1. Matthew Healy (Jiu-Jitsu & Gym). For full review, click here

If you aren’t inspired to see what’s possible for you after that, then I don’t know what will.

I add another review each month.

It’s up to you if you want to be one of them.

I’m excited for the journey ahead of you and how life changing it will be.

I’ll see you on the inside.