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- Follow the Results (How to get better progress than 99% of people)
Follow the Results (How to get better progress than 99% of people)
I was a very agreeable person for most of my life.
This is the personality trait that encompasses compassion & politeness.
My politeness was through the roof.
I would never question authority.
Nor would I want to, as it made me so unbearably uncomfortable.
Being direct or questioning the 'experts' never even dawned on me.
As a result: I followed the 'guidelines', 'social norms' & 'experts' for everything in my life.
This led me to get average results across body, mindset & life.
It confused me before, but it makes complete sense now.
I know the 'guidelines', 'social norms' & 'experts' are what the majority follow.
And the majority get average results.
It's literally how the bell curve works.
The majority don't get amazing results.
But back then I thought this was the path to follow.
To get what I wanted out of life.
How naieve I was.
Let's see how this approach worked out for me.
For my body: it led me to follow degrees & doctorates, along with the mainstream advice.
Long story short?
I suffered 10 years of chronic pain & injury and was forced to give up sports & activities I loved at 25........when I should have been coming into my prime.
For my mindset: I read the general self-help books and thought I was very self-aware and had my shit together.
Until a relationship blew up in my face.
I broke up with her and ran away and suffered greatly as I loved her deeply.
I was completely overwhelmed and scared of how I was acting.
I couldn't handle it anymore.
For my lifestyle: I was on the hamster wheel 9-5 rat race, with no passion or purpose in my job.
Dreading the thoughts of the next 40 years doing this.
..............................is this it?!
Is this as good as life is going to get for me across body, mindset & life???
Nah, fuck that.
I'm not a lot of things.
But one thing I have been since birth is a stubborn motherfucker.
It is buried deep under my external politeness to the world.
But once I'm pushed to the edge, polite Marcus is nowhere to be seen.
The Mr. Hyde to my Dr. Jekyll emerges.
I won't settle and I'll do whatever it takes to overcome it.
No matter if the pope or Jesus himself told me to let it go.
This is the moment where the Don't Settle Attitude emerged and started to take over.
When I finally stopped bouncing between playing the victim & the villain…..and I became the hero of my own movie.
I stopped following doctorates & degrees.
The 'guidelines & norms' of society.
And I finally started FOLLOWING THE RESULTS.
It's no exaggeration to say that this completely transformed my life over time.
And I wouldn't be where I am today without it.
That is why I am sharing this concept with you.
I aim for it to be the catalyst to change your life, just like it did for me.
After following the results over doctorates & degrees, my life slowly turned around over time:
Body: I have regained my Physical Freedom
Mindset: I have gained deep self-awareness & Mental Freedom
Lifestyle: I have designed the life I always wanted
You've seen my starting point and my eventual evolution.
Now it’s time to fill in the gaps for you.
So that you can understand how to apply it to your own life.
The Era of the Superficial Superman (The Incompetent 'Experts')
So you want to get progress in an area of life?
We usually:
Google it for advice
Ask our friends/family
Follow the general obvious route
Maybe enter a college degree or certificate on the topic
We go to the 'expert' in that area who has the doctorates/degrees
Stay within the guardrails of societal norms
End up getting average results
Live this on repeat forever
........sound familiar?
In our society, we are led to believe that the 'experts' have divine knowledge.
That they have come down from planet 'infinite wisdom', to educate us mere mortals.
A bit of hyperbole for effect, but it's not far from how I felt.
I thought they knew EVERYTHING.
I outsourced my results to them. My life.
Hung on every word.
The gospel according to the 'experts'.
I listened to it every week religiously.
Maybe you are like younger Marcus.
Or maybe you are a bit less naieve.
Either way, chances are that you resonate and follow this route to some extent.
Superman to Charlatan
Now, saying charlatan may be harsh.
But I'm talking in absolutes here to illustrate the point.
Sitting on the fence protects ME, but teaches YOU nothing.
If I have to go a little too far to make you open your eyes and get progress.
I'll pay that price every day of the week.
I'm here to get people progress, not to be liked.
In my experience, a lot of the 'experts' I went to weren't far off charlatans:
" a person falsely claiming to have a special knowledge or skill"
Others were just incompetent.
And there were a few who were decent but still didn't get me the progress I wanted.
When you actually analyse a lot of the 'experts' against a different yardstick.
Things start to add up.
Don't measure them by how many degrees & doctorates they have on the wall.
By how many letters there are before their name.
Measure them by their EFFICACY.
On themselves and with clients.
Measure them by their ability to demonstrate high levels of skill in their chosen field.
Measure them by their track record of PRACTICING WHAT THEY PREACH.
I can clearly pick out so many memories of this across Physical Freedom/Mental Freedom/Lifestyle Design.
The areas that I was trying to get progress in for so long as they plagued my life.
I think back to the chiropractor I went to for 8 years to try and overcome my chronic back, hip, knee & neck pain:
Probably couldn't touch his toes
Didn't have his Physical Freedom
......but yet I go to him expecting him to 'fix me' and enable me to regain MY Physical Freedom, when he doesn't even have it himself?!
I think back to a physio I went to in my teens:
Left me on the electrotherapy machine for full sessions
Did some adjustments on my back with an assistant which he probably read that morning and thought 'I'll try this one on the next kid'
.........expecting him to educate me on how to look after my body long term? To regain and keep my Physical Freedom as I age? When he's treating me like humpty dumpty who fell off a wall and needs to be put back together? Not a chance.
I think back to the Psychologist I went to for my 'relationship blow up’ to learn how to navigate this better in the future:
Told I have nothing wrong with me. No big trauma. Seem to have my life together
No structured program was given to me to gain deeper self-awareness
No guidance on how to systematically learn how to navigate relationships
No long-term plan going forward in my life to gain Mental Freedom
No point in having any more sessions, nothing to help me with he says
.............but yet I still feel horrible sick feelings and jealousy as I walk by the car of my ex-girlfriend’s new boyfriend every day?! We were neighbours and I nearly had to move away. I wasn't given the blueprint & training to regain my Mental Freedom and overcome this.
I think back to the careers guidance counsellor who I thought was going to help me find my passion & purpose in life finally:
"I like helping people & integrity is very important to me" I said
Long story short I get options of a guard, teacher, or occupational psychologist as my 'perfect job'
...........when in reality he is in the same 9-5 slog I am trying to get out of. He's cutting off all possibilities for me to live my dream life, by curtailing my potential and fitting me into a nice societal-shaped box. He was never going to be the one to help me design the life I wanted.
The reality is that if you follow 'the norm'…….YOU’RE GOING TO GET THE RESULTS OF THE NORM.
Just like I did for most of my life.
And what are the results of the norm?
Let's call a spade a spade.
They are "average to shit".
Tradition is just peer pressure from dead people that you're afraid to go against.
You don't HAVE to follow these paths from older generations.
In this modern life, you can carve out your own path.
You can build your own track and make your passion your career if you want to.
To finally stop being held back from great results in your life, you need to:
Sharpen your bullshit detector.
Look for people with clear competence in themselves and with clients.
You need to take ownership, get educated, and arm yourself with critical thinking.
This is the only thing that will protect you in this war of misinformation & incompetent experts.
Modern Life Let Them Off the Hook:
Once you see this, you can't unsee it.
This wouldn't have been able to happen in older times.
In the hunter-gatherer days, charlatans and incompetent experts would be weeded out.
Plucked from the pedestal they sit on within a matter of weeks.
Because the old days were all about ACTION, instead of talk.
They were all about PROOF, instead of probabilities.
Back then you had to prove your worth, while nowadays you can just create an illusion that nobody questions.
You can hide behind your wall of degrees & followers.
"but he has 2 doctorates"........."but he's the doctor for the Irish Rugby team"..........."but she's the physio for the Irish Rowing team"........."but he has 1m followers"
Ok, cool. But all the points still stand.
You don't judge a book by its cover.
You know this.
Imagine if you entered a new hunter-gatherer tribe.
And you were saying you were the best healer to ever walk the earth.
......what would happen?
They would find out pretty quickly if you were telling the truth or not.
You'd be given a chance to show your worth.
But if it turned out to be all fluff and you deceived them…
You probably wouldn't live to see the next sunrise.
And even just the fact that you KNOW what the consequences would be.
This would be enough to stop the vast majority of people from talking shit.
But modern life?!
Ah man........spout the biggest load of shite imaginable and you have basically ZERO consequences.
"My product will ERADICATE your chronic pain forever"
"Foam rolling makes you more mobile"
“Just feel your emotions to heal”
“Go to college, then get a job for 40 years. The 9-5 is the only route”
etc etc etc.
Not only are there zero negative consequences, but you'll probably make a killing financially from ripping naieve people off.
And that's why the sea of superficial supermen is overflowing.
There is zero proof of these things, and they don't do what they say they do.
But there are no negative consequences for them at all, so they will continue to laugh their way to the bank.
Now my shadow side has said a few times that I will take vigilante justice and put 2 pool balls in a sock and track down the perpetrators of misinformation on the human body.
Maybe if that hit the headlines, there would be some change.
“There is a psycho on the loose battering any healthcare practitioners to death if they spread misinformation on the human body!! If they hold people back from regaining their Physical Freedom!!”
Ironically, this is what would actually maybe people think twice about what they share and promote.
It would force more people to act with more INTEGRITY.
But we are in different times now.
And I am probably watching too much Batman.
So for now, I will stick to sharing better information so that YOU can finally start to see through the illusion and follow the results yourself.
Strong Opinions Held Loosely
When you sharpen your bullshit detector.
The goal is to have "strong opinions held loosely".
Over "loose opinions held strongly".
But most people don't think this way, and it's become a big problem.
We cling to certain beliefs/methods very strongly.......when in reality we have no idea how the human body works, or if this method is actually valid and gets results.
But what the 'superficial supermen’ say…..young Marcus does. Like a mindless robot.
I foam rolled for 10 years, thinking it would help me get more mobile and get rid of my chronic pain.
Little did I know it's not scientifically backed at all. It's just like a massage.
And there is no harm in getting a massage, but is it going to:
Change your body and get you more mobile long term?
Help you understand what chronic pain is, and how to manage it going forward in your life forever? Of course not.
But I just followed the 'norm' and didn't question anything, even though I had no results to show for it.
I blindly followed the myopic masses to the slaughter.
Until I eventually started following the results and took the approach in this newsletter.
In order to not get fooled like this, we should have a healthy level of skepticism.
For body, mindset & life.
You are allowed to question things.
You SHOULD question things.
A major red flag is if someone can't explain 'why' you should do something. Or if it sounds like bullshit.
But of course as I mentioned, people these days have no consequences to force them to act with integrity.
So they confidently spout information with the confidence of the gods.
To be shielded from this, we need to move on to the blueprint you can use to learn how to follow the results effectively.
"If you are confused, seek clarity,
If you have clarity, gain forward momentum,
When you gain momentum, systemise it"
You were probably confused, hopefully now the problem is clear.
You have clarity now, so it's time to learn the steps to move forward.
When you understand these steps, you can systemise them and use it in all areas of your life.
This is what I have done which had led me to the best results I could have imagined across Physical Freedom/Mental Freedom/Lifestyle Design
And I want the same for you.
Follow the Results (Ancient Evolution to Modern Wisdom)
Evolution followed the results.
That's literally what ‘natural selection’ is.
Evolution selects the most EFFECTIVE adaptations that happen as a result of mating.
The most effective adaptations help them to have an advantage over other mates.
And so they get to reproduce with more females.
Now there is more of this adaptation in the gene pool.
And this happened on repeat across 6 million years of human evolution from apes swinging from trees in Africa……all the way up to you and I today.
(This is also the amazing power of small gains in action here too ;) another ancient strategy I have turned into modern wisdom to get me amazing progress across body, mindset & life)
The Cost of Not Following the Results
If evolution took on a different strategy, things would be so different.
Let's say evolution didn't 'follow the results'.
And it followed the 'flashiest' or 'most convincing looking' adaptations.....
How would human evolution have gone?
Big arms look flashy, right?!
HUGE legs too. Yeah, monster legs.
MASSIVE arms and legs 'look like' a much more effective human right?
Hunter-gatherer humans had to travel 10km minimum a day.
Sometimes you would run 5-10km just to hunt down your dinner.
A man with massive arms and legs wouldn't be in optimal condition for this kind of endurance work.
"but he's wayyyy stronger".
Yeah, he is......but he's still going to be much weaker than other animals that don’t run away from humans.
Humans are so weak compared to most of the animal kingdom in the wild.
So we are now effectively FUCKED:
We wouldn't be able to endurance hunt food
We wouldn't be able to overpower other stronger animals that don't run away from us.
Over time.....the human race would have died off.
You & I wouldn't be here now.
The human race would be extinct.
All because we followed the shiny flashy object, instead of following the results.
I hope this is sinking in for you now.
Because it's the same for us now in this modern life.
Those who follow the shiny objects are deteriorating across body, mindset & life.
While those who follow the results are THRIVING.
I've lived 23 years of my life following the shiny objects, following the ‘norm & guidelines’, following the ‘experts’……..but the last 7 years I’ve been following the results.
I can't explain to you enough how my life has been transformed over time.
I can't imagine living like I used to.
My experience of life day to day is absolutely no comparison.
And I want this amazing quality of life for you.
I took ancient evolution’s successful strategy, and turned it into modern wisdom.
And this is my gift to you.
You have a lot more control than you think.
Let’s go through 3 points to systemise it for you.
To make it easier to implement in your life.
3 Steps to Following the Results
1) Sharpen Your Bullshit Detector
Step one is to overcome naivety.
Something I really struggled with.
I value integrity & honesty highly.
Too much for my own good sometimes.
So I just assumed everyone was like this too.
And oh how naieve that is!!!
But you live and learn.
You learn from feedback in this game of life.
Not from sitting in your room reading mindset books.
After 10 years of chronic pain & injury not being 'fixed' by the experts, that was enough life feedback to finally see how naieve I was.
I finally worked on my critical thinking and sharpened my bullshit detector.
An easy way to start this is through analogies.
Let's say you want your sink fixed......who would you ring?
A chef? A teacher?......no, a plumber of course.
Ok cool.
But WHY?
Because they show EFFICACY.
And they have a track record of overcoming plumbing issues long term.
Now bring this over to the healthcare industry.
How many people have you heard of that said their chronic pain was solved LONG TERM by a chiropractor?
I'm not talking about 'feeling a bit better after'.
I could do that by giving you a few shots of tequila for free.
Since that's what we actually want.
My answer is zero. Actually maybe 1, but pretty sure she kept going back, which isn't Physical Freedom. (Empowerment never comes from relying on external factors)
Having to keep returning to healthcare practitioners, is just like getting a chef over to fix your sink.
He 'kind of' fixes it.....but then days/weeks/months later the issue comes back up.
So he comes over again and 'fixes it'.
And then this happens on repeat.
The chef is over every month or 2 working on your sink.
Sound silly?
Just think about that.
How does that make any sense?
This is what happens when you start to sharpen your bullshit detector.
Most of what the 'norm' is. What the 'guidelines & mainstream advice are'......make no fucking sense.
But yet we follow blindly.
I went to a chiropractor for 8 years in a row. Every 3-6 months.
Thought he was 'fixing' my chronic back, hip, neck & knee pain.
I felt a bit better each time, but it always went back to the way it was.
We are led to believe we have to go back forever. That this is the only way.
If only I could send this email back in time to younger Marcus.
He would have regained his Physical Freedom after 1 year instead of 10.
Stop hiring the chef.
Get a fucking plumber.
2) Follow the Results over Doctorates & Degrees
After we overcome our naivety and sharpen our bullshit detector.
It's time to follow the GPS of RESULTS.
And start getting progress in the areas of life that we want.
Let's start following the results now.
I'll use another analogy to illustrate this point.
Let's say you want to be a millionaire. And you have 2 options:
Join a 4-year course on "how to be a millionaire" taught by PhD Larry McGintee (who is on a salary of 60k per year)
Go to Bob down the road who has no 'formal education'.....but has 3 lambos out the front of his mansion, and a holiday home in Ibiza
I've gone to the likes of Larry all my life up to 23.
From 23 onwards (30 now), all I go to is the Bobs of this world.
And the results are night and day.
The Larrys of this world give the ILLUSION of progress when most times they DON'T EVEN HAVE THE RESULT YOU ACTUALLY WANT.
Yeah he has a PhD, and yeah he's the lecturer of a 'prestigious course'.....but he's not even a millionaire himself?!
And yet he lectures on it?!
The bullshit detector should be going off now.
While Bob has no 'formal education'.....he CLEARLY has the result I want.
So I will go to him and pay him to show me the quickest way there.
That's what coaches & mentors do for you.
That’s why I have spent 35k on them the last 7 years and counting.
Now as I review this newsletter before sending it, I'm just realising I could have made a slightly better analogy as Bob kind of looks like a drug dealer!!!! haha.
But you understand what I mean. The point is still valid.
Results are KING. They should be your GPS.
Don't follow the messenger. Go to the source.
And on the ‘formal education’
Nothing wrong with it, if you are aiming for a job where you need it (medical school for a doctor, accountant course for accountants etc).
But outside of this? Doesn't make much sense to me.
College courses are way behind the times.
Full of 'norms & guidelines & average'….they are never at the cutting edge as they don't follow the results.
This was crystal clear to me after:
I went to the experts with doctorates & degrees to overcome my 10 years of chronic pain.......didn't work. Told to settle at the end. That nothing can be done for me. Take up swimming
I went to a coach with no formal education (but results on himself and clients)......and he got me my Physical Freedom back after 6-9 months
"How is this even possible?!"
Naieve Marcus would have never believed it.
But I was so desperate and after 10 years of following the 'norm' with no results.
Funny how the healthcare route giving up on me and telling me to settle was one of my low points in life.
But it turned out to be THE BEST THING TO EVER HAPPEN TO ME.
Becuase it was the catalyst that etched FOLLOW THE RESULTS into my brain forever.
So I would never have to go through that again. Waste more precious years of this one life we have.
Following the results finally got me back my Physical Freedom, my Mental Freedom, and enabled me to design the life I wanted.
It can do the same for you.
3) Remember You are Your Own Best Guide
This 3rd section is important.
I'm sure you are excited about following the results now, and you should be.
But don't get carried away by it.
You should use others’ results as a compass, but YOU are the guide with ultimate authority.
Your OWN results matter most, not someone else’s.
The analogy of a farmer and the explorer will cement this point for you.
An explorer was on a long hike.
He was getting a bit lost and he came across a farm.
I'll go in and ask the farmer for directions he thinks, I'll follow the results.
The farmer gives him his map of the land.
The explorer is ECSTATIC.
"Ah man, thank you so much!! I'm sorted now"
The farmer looks at him with worry.
It was time to give this explorer a life lesson, before he makes a big mistake.
"Following the results is not always going to be the best option"
"Little did you know.........this map is outdated by 40 years from when I first moved here. The land is much different now. The map is no longer accurate"
............the explorer feels silly in his exuberance for the map now. Taken aback. He thought it was as simple as following the results. It had worked every time up to now.
"Don't get me wrong, following the results is the quickest way to get results. And it has changed my life too.....but nobody has taught you the final piece of this puzzle yet"
"Following the results is the GPS, but YOU are the guide. If the GPS said go straight but in front of you the earth cracked and there is a 40-foot hole.....are you going straight???"
"Ehhh.....no, I guess I amn't. I'm going left or right"
"Exactly.......but WHY?"
"Mmmmm.....because....... because the GPS is just the like the guardrails on a bowling lane. It makes sure the bowling ball is heading in the right direction, but it won't ensure the ball hits the pins. That is up to the discernment of the person themselves. And it always will be. This is the best way for them to get the results they want"
The farmer smiles
"......and now you have learned your final lesson son. You will get the results you want in time"
The reality is that you use OTHER people’s maps, to CREATE YOUR OWN MAP.
What do you think this newsletter is? And all my content? My whole journey of progress over the last 7 years across body, mindset & life?!
I have followed other people's maps, and then created MY OWN from them.
It's different, it's perfect for me....but I wouldn't have been able to make it without all the maps I followed and learned from.
Each person’s map will be slightly different.
We are different humans, with different personalities values and goals.
Don't live another person’s results & life.
Use theirs to CREATE YOUR OWN.
I'll leave you with an effective clarity question you can use to help you distinguish the difference between someone else's map and your own.
To show you the point where your map diverges from theirs.
“Does the shoe fit? Or is it a mould of their foot?"
Remember the ultimate compass and end goal - living a life true to yourself.
This biggest regret on people’s deathbed is “not living a life true to myself. Living a life others expected of me”.
Don't die on your deathbed with regrets because you followed someone else's map.
Don’t wear shoes that don’t fit just because your family and friends like them.
Keep searching until you find shoes that fit like a glove.
And you will be content and at peace throughout life and on your deathbed.
A rare occurrence in this modern life.
Keep following the results and iterate as you go.
Until you have your own map to the life you want to live.
The Idols of Integrity (The Heroes We Need)
"We need those who stand up straight and apply reason. Those who sail the treacherous seas of emotional introspection. Those who go to war to acquire their knowledge"
Those are the people who I have ‘followed the results’ from over the last 7 years.
And that is the person I have strived towards and become.
I only know a lot about the 3 topics I teach on, as I have gone through so much pain in those areas.
I have gone to war to acquire this knowledge and figure out how to get progress down those avenues of Physical Freedom/Mental Freedom/Lifestyle Design for myself.
Now my purpose is to give the blueprint to those who need it.
Just like the younger Marcus desperately did but never had.
I'll be the beacon to show you what your life can be like if you don't settle for the apathetic average.
Here is a useful gauge to sort the ‘superficial supermen’ from the ‘idols of integrity’:
"If your hunter-gatherer ancestors were sent forward in time to today. If they could see the person you are now......would they be proud? Would they take you back in time with them to help progress the human race? Or would they look at you with pity, and wonder what they are working so hard for? If this is what was to become of us humans"
This is what I think of at times for myself.
A harsh but refreshing truth.
But I love harsh truth, as the other side of that coin is always PROGRESS.
If you face it of course. Which most people don’t in this modern life.
Think of this next time you are unsure of the person you are watching.
It's another tool you can use to sort the practitioners from the dabblers.
It's a high benchmark to set yourself against.
But why aim low?
Even if you don't achieve it, you've improved yourself through the process of aiming for it.
And that will leave you further along than where you are now.
Keep chopping wood. All those small gains will add up eventually even if you can’t see it now.
The dots only make sense in hindsight.
To Ride the Wave, You Need to Go Against the Current
I love this quote and have used it many times.
With Lifestyle Design clients or with people in the DMs on Instagram asking me questions.
"How can I achieve X?"
"To ride the wave, you need to go against the current"
I will follow that up with more specific advice of course (micro). Or link them a relevant newsletter if I have already wrote about it in depth.
But this concept is the macro lens you need to view the problem through.
Think about it....
If you want to get results THE AVERAGE PERSON ISN'T GETTING.
Then you have to do things THE AVERAGE PERSON ISN'T DOING.
How else do you think you think you are going to get better results than the norm?!
I'm a man of logic.
And when I broke it down and analysed it....I couldn't refute it.
I could see the path forward now.
The path of FOLLOWING THE RESULTS of the outliers who are living the life that I want.
Instead of continuing to be a sheep in the herd, following the shepherd of societal norms.
Once I followed this path and started getting the results I wanted over time, another life lesson hit me.
"Follow the average if you want to be average
Follow the outliers if you want to emulate them"
It's essentially the same point as the riding the wave quote, but I hadn't heard that quote at that point in time when I first started following the results.
But when I did.....it made perfect sense.
I had already come to that conclusion myself (as you can see, following the results usually leads people to similar conclusions. This is ‘following the results’ coming full circle. It has happened numerous times as I meet people who have come to the same conclusions about what works as I have. We may have taken different routes, but we arrive at similar conclusions. Results don’t lie. They can’t be refuted. Compared to the ‘experts’ throwing darts at a dartboard.)
Now the stars were aligning for me.
The random dots on the page were adding up to the perfect portrait as my vision became clearer.
I became even more confident in my path forward following the results.
The empowering thing is that
"Talent creates method. And method creates talent"
A person who has worked extremely hard over time to become ‘talented’ in an area and get results, usually creates a ‘method’ or blueprint for other people to get there in the shortest amount of time.
And when people follow this ‘method’.....it will lead them to cultivate the ‘talent’ they need to get them the results they want.
The beauty of this is that each person who follows the ‘method’ will develop the ‘talent’ in a UNIQUE way specific to them.
Because we are all unique perspective vessels and digest this information through the filter of our own beliefs, perspective, values, life experiences etc.
And when this person creates their own 'method', it will be different than the one they initially learned.
This happens over and over and exponentially grows over time.
And now the world is now filled with the results of many different methods catering to each type of personality.
The opportunities for you to FOLLOW THE RESULTS in this life are endless.
Don't forget that the purpose of personal development is to fuel action & growth.
Not to use it as an excuse to procrastinate.
It's time to put this into action.
Following the results is the NATURAL SELECTION of mindset.
The evolution of PROGRESS.
It will take you past 99% of people who continue to blindly follow the ‘norm, guidelines & experts’ all the way to the average life.
Stop living with what if’s and could be’s.
It's time to start following the results to build the life you always wanted.
Are you going to trust mother nature on how to get there? And follow the ancient evolution to modern wisdom?
Or Jimmy on the internet telling you he has the ANSWERS but fails the idols of integrity test?
Thanks Jimmy........but no thanks.
I'm going with mother nature's strategy that has a track record of working over MILLIONS OF YEARS.
In terms of following the results, mother nature is king.
Let that be your guide.
Go conquer your goals like mother nature conquers all before her.
It’s time to go ‘Dora the explorer’ on this motherfucker and create your own map.
And add to the ‘following the results’ web of progress that continues to grow.
I'm excited for the future ahead of you.
You should be too.
My Week
Paperback: The Denial of Death (Ernst Becker)
Audiobook: Letting Go (David R.Hawkins)
Jocko Podcast Episode #373: The Individual Who Can Do Something the World Wants Will Make His Way (Booker T Washington "Up From Slavery"
The Tim Ferris Episode #656: Brene Brown: Striving vs Self-Acceptance
I shot the documentary with Martin Irvine Productions just before I came to Asia. That should be ready in the next 4 weeks or so. Excited to see the end result.
The next projects will be 2 simultaneously side by side:
Hire someone to build me a great website where I can house all my content from the newsletters, to the documentary, and the coaching options/products etc (had a cheap one before, but now it’s time to level up. Any suggestions, send them on please!!)
Alongside this, I just started working on creating my first “information product”. Which is the 2nd project. I will create a LIFESTYLE DESIGN product as my first one. I am passionate about giving this gift to as many people as possible and will package all my knowledge and expertise into a product that anyone will be able to buy (probably be around one payment of 149 euros)
What better place to start building this product on lifestyle design as I currently travel Asia living the life I always dreamed of (Making my passion my career, Financial & location freedom, working/training/exploring things I am passionate about, living life on my terms)
My aim is to have the product made and the website done, so it can all be up on the website by Q3/Q4 this year.
1:1 Coaching:
Physical Freedom
Mental Freedom
Lifestyle Design
General Life:
First full week in Bali done! Was delighted to get back into my routine now this week. Being out of my routine always reminds me that my favourite part of designing the life I wanted is actually my routine. Just having the freedom to live life on my terms. The location freedom is only the icing on the cake for me.
Wednesday: Met up with Keegan Smith ! One of my mentors from years ago. Keegan inspired me to put myself out there more, and actually came up with the name guywhodidntsettle! I was too shy to use it and kept putting it off…but he held me accountable as you’ll see in the screenshot below. A rising tide lifts all boats. I’ve been lifted and inspired/encouraged by many tides on my journey. I know how impactful it can be, that’s why I put so much effort into doing this for you. I’ll believe in you until you can believe in yourself. You may not see the vision of what your life can be like but I can, and I’ll make you see it like it was done for me. I also started juggling from seeing Keegan work his way up to the 5/6 ball juggle!
1 One Arm Chin Up session
1 Upper Push sessions
1 Leg session
Back to more regular training this week. Will aim for 4-6 sessions next week. I'm not the same when I'm not training consistently. You are just a better overall human physically, mentally & spiritually. It improves EVERYTHING. Prove me wrong. Physical training is an important anchor in my life. It should be in yours too. It doesn't have to look like mine, but you should be doing some sort of physical training each week if you value your health and well-being. I'm always reminded of this during those periods when I can't train as much
That’s it!
Follow the results going forward in your life and enter into the 1% of people getting amazing progress over time.
Don't Settle,