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- You Aren't Self-Aware (How to Unlock Deep Self-Awareness)
You Aren't Self-Aware (How to Unlock Deep Self-Awareness)
I saw red.
I lost control.
I screamed at the top of my lungs.
A scream worthy of a battlefield warcry.
I was engulfed with RAGE.
It all happened so fast, it's a blur.
I still remember the woman I loved cowering away from me.
The look of complete fear in her eyes.
A look I never want to see again from someone I love in my life.
So much good those stoic quotes each morning did eh?!
She walked out of my apartment with her ears ringing.
I went back and continued my workout.
Rage still there which I channelled into the workout.
I was blocked on Whatsapp for the firtst time in my life.
Fine. Good riddance I thought.
I got on with my day. With work and training.
But the next morning after I woke up and had calmed down......
I was filled with such GUILT. Such GRIEF.
I screamed at the woman I loved and terrified her.
I've ruined it all.
But I love and care for her so much?! I didn't mean it!! I just wanted to hug and hold her and tell her how sorry I was.
But she blocked me. I have to leave her be and not scare her more.
We were neighbours.
An average day is me walking past her window 2-3 times on my walks.
Now I had to do this and resist the unbelievable urge to knock on her door and apologise.
Those few days were the toughest of my life.
I am a very compassionate man deep down. I care so much. Too much.
"How could you scream at her then?"
As some of you might know "hurt people, hurt people".
I was in the deepest pain of my life.
Like a wounded wolf backed into a corner.
Deep pain is usually projected outwards with grief or by anger/rage on the surface level.
I still remember my first memories in life crying as I didn't want jesus to die for me. I never asked him too.
My natural pattern is that I don't want others to be in pain. I will take it. I can handle it.
But I can't handle those I care about in pain. Give me the pain instead.
3 days later I saw her sitting outside.
I dropped a note I had written through her balcony rail (just an apology letter and wishing her well in life and she won't hear from me again).
She saw me from the corner of her eye and got a fright. Still visibly shook.
Scared, she shouts at me to never speak to her again.
Throws the letter back at me and goes inside.
She's terrified......what have I done?!....
Each morning I would get up at my usual 6 or 7am time.
But now the routine was sitting at my desk and crying for 15-30 mins or more. (Gone from rage to grief)
I made sure to deal with this pain before my roomates got up and saw anything.
By 8am I was in work mode. I worked and trained as usual as best I could.
I segmented my pain. Pretty well I might add now that I look back.
If you know me personally, you may find it hard to believe this part of my relationship story.
But it's the truth.
She unblocked me and text me a week later just saying "it's ok."
I can't explain the relief I felt.
She knew I'm not a monster.
She knows the kind man I am and how deeply I cared for her.
I just got completely overwhelmed by it all.
I had sorted out most areas of my life by then.
I had got my Physical Freedom back.
I had built the life I wanted and made my passion my career.
I had THOUGHT I developed great self-awareness and mindset.
But then in this specific relationship shit hit the fan.
It was a disaster?! I didn't understand it?! What is going on???
I was overwhelmed, drowing in emotions.
The stoic man I thought I was.......was nowhere to be seen in this relationship.
I'm clearly not half as self-aware as I think I am.
This is one low point of 18 months of an on/off relationship, of being filled with jealousy, filled with anger, filled with grief.
I was losing the run of myself.
Everything used to make sense but now I'm doubting it all.
I felt the full spectrum of emotions.
I drowned in them.
I cried more in that year than my previous 20.
But "feeling your emotions" doesn't help you long term like you are told.
It's going to take a lot more than that.
This relationship is how my journey into true MENTAL FREEDOM began.
All the mindset books I read over the last 7 years, all the stoic quotes and philosophy, all the progress in terms of mindset...............it was an illusion of Mental Freedom.
I had built myself into a MACHINE.
A man who chases his goals down and let's nothing get in his way.
But I still lacked deep self awareness, and I was only realising this now.
I didn't realise the depth of levels to this self-awareness game.
But all the work I had done on my self awareness and mindset so far weren't in vain.
They were what enabled me to handle this and keep working and training and not spiralling downwards.
They were what enabled me to 'manage it'.
But not deal with & overcome it.
While I was 'ok' in terms of living my life, I cleary wasn't happy overall.
This was the toughest experience of my life.
And I've ran an untrained marathon in barefoot shoes!!!
I'd do that again over this.
I was deeply hurt. Wounded.
And I knew I had to address this area of my life and find out what happened.
To not let this happen again in future relationships.
I came to realise:
Relationships are our greatest mirrors.
They don't lie.
They will teach you more about yourself than you ever could have imagined.
They will teach you more about yourself than all the self help books in the world combined.
BUT ONLY IF..........you have the tools of deep self-awareness to naviagate through the chaos.
Which none of us have.
Hence these type of fuck ups and pain.
Even for those who THINK they are self aware, like I did.
I had another harsh truth to face.
While I have many flaws, the one thing I don't do anymore is shy away from them.
I'll lean in. I'll face the music.
Why? Because I know there will be AMAZING PROGRESS on the other side.
I did it with my PHYSICAL FREEDOM
I did it for my LIFESTYLE DESIGN
So why can't I do it for my MENTAL FREEDOM???
Off I went following the results.
And for the 3rd time, my life was changed forever.
You Aren't Self-Aware
Let's dive straight into the real world problems that this kind of work can solve:
Frustration at little things & you don’t understand why
Why some people trigger you and others don't
Why the self help books you read don’t help you actually change
How you keep looping in the same unhelpful patterns (in relationships & life)
Noisy overactive mind
Lack of energy, always drained
Constantly focusing on the past or worrying about the future
Can’t live in the present
Constant indecision
Stuck looping in particular emotions (jealousy, sadness, rage etc)
Not having the relationships you want
Not getting where you want in life
Not understanding why others can succeed and you cant
Undesireble quality of life
How many of those can you resonate with?
They are all from my experience of life, of what it used to be like for me at different times.
And I could list many more.
Not having a deep level of self awareness is like going through life with the handbrake up.
You are held back in EVERY area of your life.
You're results & experience of life could be so much better.
The sad reality is that we aren't even AWARE of the aspects we have to address to regain our Mental Freedom.
Never mind actually starting to work on them.
Topics such as:
The Bedrock of your Beliefs
Uncovering What You Believe
Our Belief Origins
Deep Reprogramming of our Beliefs
How to Navigate the Belief Gap in Real Time
This is our ground zero.
This is what runs your life beneath the surface.
Deep in your subconscious.
The private puppetmaster you don't even know exists.
Pulling the strings that you call 'fate'.
That makes you repeat the same patterns in life no matter how much 'acceptance' work you do.
No matter how much you 'feel your emotions'.
No matter how much philosophy & psychology you read.
No matter how much woke stuff you do.
Reading a stoic quote isn't going to suddenly change your programming that started before you were even born either.
If I'm being honest, those stoic quotes are also the 'quick fix' of Mental Freedom.
But I share them on Intagram as that's the level most people are at.
Once you get interested in that and get some small bits of progress.
It will lead you here.
Where the real work begins.
Deep Self Awareness
Why would you want to be more deeply self aware you ask?
To address all the problems we listed above.
It will change your life completely:
Your experience of life day to day
Much more calm and at peace
Reduced noise in your head and increased signal (your intuition)
More energy (less wasted on looping in irrational thoughts)
Able to chase the life you want and not be held back
Understand why you act the way you do in relationships and life
Have much better relationships
Have the skillset to navigate any life situation going forward
You will basically become so much more EMPOWERED in your life.
Which is what MENTAL FREEDOM is all about.
Another reason why deep self awareness is a superpower:
Once you understand YOURSELF on a deeper level, you understand OTHERS on a deeper level.
Humans are a lot more alike than you think.
We all run similar programs.
Once you understand how to develop yourself, you understand how to develop others too.
If you are in a job (or plan to be) that involves helping others, coaching, teaching, managing etc.
Then this will be invaluable.
I could write on this for days. But these newsletters go long enough as it is!
So I will leave you with 1 concept to get you started for today.
On the small gain train towards your Mental Freedom.
1) Take Ownership of Your Emotions as Indicators of Your Beliefs
This is the concept I read about in someone's free content.
The one concept that helped me more in my relationship situation.......THAN ALL THE 7 YEARS OF MINDSET WORK I HAD DONE PREVIOUSLY.
It blew my mind.
It was like when my first mobility coach who had 'no formal education'.
Helped me more than all the 10 years of 'experts' COMBINED (osteopaths, chiropractors, physios, doctors).
It was the same holy shit moment.
When FOLLOWING THE RESULTS had served me so well again.
I had gone to a psychologist to see would he be able to shed light on this situation.
I went the 'expert' route again so to speak.
But again, it was - following the results - which lead me to a man with amazing life experience & wisdom (with no formal education) who helped me so much more and changed my life.
Now don't get me wrong, the psychologist did help in some aspects.
But no massive change.
No program and structureded approach to work through this all going forward.
The quick synopsis from the psychologist:
"Nothing 'wrong' with me. Seem to have your life in order. Good childhood, and no past relationships like this. (I've had a gf before this for 3 years. There was no chaos). Seem pretty self-aware and open to your flaws"
After 3 sessions I think it was......he said there's no need for a 4th.
There is nothing to help me with.
Ok cool...........great............but that doesn't help me now.
In this situation.
It doesn't stop the sick feeling in my stomach when I see the car of my ex's boyfriend outside my apartment.
It didn't stop the cycles of:
Resentment then guilt
Of anger then sadness
Thinking I did the right thing vs thinking I made the biggest mistake of my life
Thinking I'm over her vs thinking she is the only one in this world for me
It didn't stop the indecision.
The confusion. Hurt. Anger.
Being upset. The grief.
I was losing myself.
And that is when I came across this concept of pure wisdom.
About "taking ownership of my emotions as indicators of my beliefs".
And finally getting the blueprint of how to identify the deeper beliefs underneath MY CURRENT reality.
I'd been stuck on the merry-go-round.
I lived on the see-saw.
Thinking this was progress, but not getting anywhere.
Stuck in the same patterns.
Until I finally saw light at the end of the tunnel.
When I finally addressed the foundation underneath the playground.
Let's run through it with my relationship example at the time.
I'll split it into:
Taking ownership of your emotions
Then using these as indicators of what you currently believe
Take ownership of your emotions:
I'm walking by the car as usual, and I feel sick in my stomach.
The car belonging to the new boyfriend of my ex-girlfriend.
Which is parked outside my bedroom window every week.
We usually avoid diving into these emotions as they are too painful.
We just 'feel sick' and try to forget about it.
We use a mindset reframe "control the controllabes" from the stoics......but still feel like shit each time I walk past it again the next day.
But then when I chose to dive into it and find out what I really 'feel' with more accuracy.......this is what started to flow out.
It was 2 different streams of feelings.
The first one was:
I fucked up and made a mistake.
I had this woman who loved me like nobody else, who I connected with on a level I didn't know possible
Then when things didn't go the way I wanted, I ran away.
I broke up with her. I broke her heart.
I was scared. I was losing myself. I was overwhelmed. I didn't know what to do.
I'm sorry. I know better now. Can we try again?! I would be different. I know what we had now. I know you still love me too. I think I've lost you forever.....
The second one was:
How could the fuck could she do this to me?!
Let me see all this?!
Go through all this everyday?!
She shouldn't be with him!!!
Look at him?! He's not the man I am!! You told me this. I'm here! Why aren't you coming back to me? I'm ready now!!
As indicators of your beliefs:
Even though you have only a snapshot of my emotions there, you could still make a pretty accurate assessment of the 'theme' of those feelings.
And what BELIEFS lead to those feelings, and enable them to materialise in the first place.
The first streams of thoughts/feeling is clearly aroud the theme of 'regret'.
The second stream of thoughts/feelings is clearly around 'jealousy, anger, resentment, entitlement'.
Cool..........so what BELIEFS underly these emotions?
Now this is where it gets interesting.
And where we have never gone before.
Dismantling Disempowering Beliefs:
A: 'Regret' belief investigation:
To have regret over a situation, you have to believe that the option you didn't choose was the BETTER and ONLY option.
Otherwise, you wouldn't regret it.
And is that true Marcus? Is she the:
'only' option in the world? No.
the 'best' option in the world? There is literally no way to know that. Chances are no as well
The reality is that there are hundreds, thousands, or even more that would be a match for me.
There is over 7 billion people on this earth.
And when I dug deeper to find the beliefs underlying all these emotions around the theme of regret, I can see that I basically believed:
That she was the only compatible partner for me in the whole world
That I will never meet someone like her again with that connection, and I will end up alone
B: 'Jealousy/Resentment/Entitlement' belief investgation:
You could break these down individually, but I'll keep them bunched together for time.
You'll get the point.
The belief underlying my jealousy/resentment/entitlement was that it all revolves around ME.
"How is she doing this to ME? Why is he parking outside MY window?!".
Does the world revolve around you Marcus?........No, it doesn't.
You say you love her.........yeah I do!!
Ok, here's a question for you, would you rather:
Her to be with you....and unhappy?
Or for her to be with someone else..... and happy?
"Well.......like she should be with me! I know I'd make her happier!!"
Thats not what I asked Marcus.
You are using fixation as misdirection, and you don't fool me.
And now all of a sudden you know what makes her happy do you?? The relationship expert??
Funny how this expertise wasnt there when you were with her?
And can you speak for other people now too?!
I know how you'd react if she was telling you what makes YOU happy.
You'd fly off the handle.
Saying that only YOU know what makes yourself happy.
Exactly Marcus. Only SHE knows what makes her happy. And she can make her own choices for herself.
You aren't the puppet master here like you are with your business and training.
Anyway, answer the questions Marcus. You're a man of logic.
Would you rather her be with you and unhappy, or be with someone else and happy?
"........I would rather her be happy with someone else than unhappy with me.....I love and care for her and just want her to be at peace and happy........"
Ok......And if you were this man (who doesn't know you by the way!!)....would you park your car outside your new girlfriend's apartment?
Or would you park it somewhere down the street out of sight each time you come over because her ex bf who broke up with her, lives beside her, and doesn't want her to move on??? What would you say about that???
"............I'd say that guy is a control freak who needs to move the fuck on. And deal with the consequences of his actions. I am doing nothing wrong. And I'll park where I want. And if he has a problem, he can bring it up with me, and he'll meet more consequences"
Hmmmmmm.......is this becoming clearer now Marcus?
".............yeah.......it is............*sigh*......."
Don't feel so jealous or resentful now do you Marcus?
"No.....I actually don't"
The BELIEFS that laid the soil for these weed emotions of jealously, resentment & entitlement to grow were:
1. This whole situation revolves around ME
2. That her happiness isn't the most important thing, it's how my ego feels thats the most important
I could now cut down these weeds that had grown. But CRUCIALLY I was also excavating these belief seeds from the soil, to PREVENT THEM FROM REGROWING AGAIN.
Now I could start to finally plant flower seeds instead.
Which will let me act from an empowered place.
Rather than chopping weeds all day with my stoic quote reframes, and having the weeds regrow forever.
Popping back up like a whack-a-mole machine.
That would only be an illusion of Mental Freedom.
As I would still be bounded by my own chains of belief.
Stuck in the loop for more years to come.
Without understanding why.
(I'm using an analogy to illustrate something that has a very detailed structure and process. You'll grasp it easier through these analogies)
Your Beliefs are the Templates through which Energy Flows for You:
After going through this experience.
I saw how my deep-rooted beliefs that I never addressed, were the REAL reason for the toughest experience of my life.
For my failed relationship.
They were always there, deep down in my subconscious.
And were only reflected back to me through the mirror of this specific relationship.
I think of the year of suffering I went through daily, and how pointless it all was.
How it didn't have to be this way.
If I just had this email sent to me back in time, I would have seen the bigger picture of deep self-awareness.
I would have realised that I was CREATING MY OWN REALITY through my beliefs.
So what happened then?
After a few days of working through this, I go on a walk.
No car there.
Cool, I usually meet it on the walk or that evening anyway.
If I don't see it at the start when I open my door.
I go on my walk.
I come back.
And there is the car..................................oh my fucking god.The feelings I used to have EVERY DAY FOR A YEAR.
I felt like 30% of that, instead of 100%.
Holy FUCK.
And that's when I knew I was finally onto something here with this belief work and deep self-awareness.
It was just like that moment when I had tried to get my Physical Freedom back for 10 years through the healthcare route and it never worked.
And after a while into a program with a mobility coach, my back pain was the best it had ever been!!!!
And that's what I did here for my MENTAL FREEDOM
I was onto something FINALLY.
I went all in.
And that's what I did here too for my MENTAL FREEDOM.
The last interaction I had with this woman?
After all the fights and periods of trying to talk.
After all the constant periods of either arguing or else avoiding each other for months etc.
We had a lovely mature conversation.
She was happy to see how I had changed and was at peace.
I was happy to see her in a good place too.
I wished her and her boyfriend well.
We talked about the madness of it all.
She was nearly 5 years older than me (and a lot wiser which I never could admit. I thought I was smarter than her with my logic. A naieve mans mistake).
It was a heartwarming moment.
A hero's journey in terms of my MENTAL FREEDOM.
It was like my journey from fucked hips to the front splits all over again.
Beliefs Create Your Reality:
How could I interact like that now?
After a year of trying to get there but falling constantly back into the same pattern?
It's because I worked systematcially & consistently on:
dismantling my old disempowering beliefs
programming in new empowering beliefs
So what are these new beliefs?
The beliefs that let these emotions of a calm, caring, empowered state flow from me like in this last interaction?
We may be together again in future, or maybe not. We can't know right now. It's impossible.
But I do know that NOW is not the time. We are on different paths in life currently.
These beliefs cover all angles & eventualities, as you will see.
If we got back together later in life, or we don't.....the BEST AND ONLY WAY FROM HERE......is for both of us to move forward with our lives in separate directions.
Let's break it down:
A: We get back together in future:
Well then it would have been better if I went off travelling and experienced life to the full and was open to the possibility of meeting other people along my journey.
To keep growing as a person and becoming wiser. I would be a better man in my future relationship with her
I should enjoy all the benefits of single life while I have the chance.
Focus on building my business, chasing training goals, travelling, exploring my interests, meeting new people, living my life!
All before I settle down and have much less time for all these things as my priorities change when we get back together
B: We don't get back together in future:
Well then it was clearly a better option to move on!!
Rather than waste time thinking about something that is NEVER going to happen anyway?! What a waste of this one life I have.
And as a result of being stuck in the past: not only have I wasted time, but I have also blocked all future opportunities of meeting other people and living my life to the full!
I would be CREATING the exact experience of life that I DON'T want.
The one that I feared: Being alone and never meeting anyone else.
It would be a self fulfilling prohecy and I wouldn't even know it.
All because of my beliefs around it which I wouldn't be able to see.
As you can see, feelings of:
.......can't stem from these beliefs.
If I start to feel those emotions again, I know that means I am starting to believe my old narratives and beliefs again.
Which I know now to not be true from the work I have done on dismantling them.
I notice this in real time now from my deep self-awareness and bird's eye view.......and I pivot back to the dismantling process.
Just like physical training, this takes structure, consistency & accountability to make long-term changes.
Your emotions come from your beliefs.
Dismantling your deep-rooted beliefs, stop the emotion before it has a chance to arise.
Don't be fooled and think that 'wishful thinking' or a 'mindset frame' or 'perspective change' is the same thing here.
They only give you a glimpse of another perspective to view the situation from.
But it doesn't show you:
How to go in and actually navigate your way to uncovering your bedrock of beliefs
How to dismantle these disempowering beliefs
How to program in new empowering beliefs
The blueprint and struture to navigate it all at each stage
Like I said, the common approach to 'mindset' is the quick fix.
Addressing the symptoms and not the root cause.
The Bigger Picture
You need to start thinking of your MENTAL FREEDOM as an array of skills to be trained.
As a PROCESS to be worked on as you go throughout your life.
Just like with your physical training, your career, etc.
You can break it down into 2 separate parts to make it easier to understand how you would structure this into your life:
You do the LEARNING at home (such as the concept I went through today)
You do the PRACTICE in real time through relationships & life
To recap with my example from above:
LEARNING: I learned my emotions of jealousy/entitlement were coming from my beliefs around relationships that weren't true.
PRACTICE: I am consciously aware now of the story I tell myself going forward. I love her and want her to be happy, so I want her to move on. When I feel the old emotions rearing their ugly head, I dismantle it, and focus on the data that supports the new empowering belief. Then I have none/much less jealousy in the moment. And I continue to work on that each day through different techniques that I haven't covered here. Over time, these new beliefs are programmed in and replace the old ones. You only feel conflicted if you have 2 beliefs competing competing agaisnt each other (aka you haven't actually dismantled the old one properly). My actions and beliefs are finally aligned, and I can move forward in peace excited about the future.
(Now if it all worked as easily as it might sound, that would be great!!!! There's a lot more to it that I can't describe here. But you see the outline).
I'll leave you with an analogy to close this section.
This might make the 2 separate parts of learning & practice easier to identify.
The Skilled Swordsman
Think of it like a swordsman.
He practices dilligently in his dojo.
Sharpening the sword.
Literally, and also metaphorically through his techniques.
This is the distinction:
He does his LEARNING in the dojo.
He gets his PRACTICE from sparring with others or when he is in an actual duel.
It's the difference between:
They are trained separately.
He can't learn how to become a great swordsman, if his only 'learning' is being thrown into a life or death duel with no prior training.
(But yet this is us in relationships in life. We try to 'learn' on the battlefield, with no prior education. And get slaughtered)
The swordsman needs to LEARN how to handle a sword.
And ONLY THEN....can he know how to wield it with deadly force in battle.
This is how he becomes a SKILLFUL SWORDSMAN.
He needs both components to do so.
And it's the same process for us.
To regain our MENTAL FREEDOM and be able to skillfully navigate any experience of life, we need to:
LEARN in depth self-awareness at home
Then PRACTICE it on the battlefield of life
Then you learn and iterate as you go.
You get on the SMALL GAIN TRAIN.
And all the small gains will add up massively over time.
Same for your Physical Freedom. Same for your Mental Freedom.
Empowerment is the End Goal
That registration plate was etched into my brain.
I still know it now.
Needless to say, I had some sleepless nights.
I didn't know how many more times I could deal with that sick feeling in my stomach each day.
I had thought about moving at one point.
But part of me knew that wasn't the answer.
That was only dodging the problem.
If it ever happened to me again, then what?!
I run away again?!
"Empowerment doesn't come from external factors"
I knew having to rely on the world to show up in the way that I WANT, is not empowerment.
Shit is going to hit the fan.
That's life.
I knew empowerment would be when I finally knew how to SKILLFULLY NAVIGATE ANY SITUATION THAT ARISES.
Over running away from ones I can't handle or don't like.
From career, relationships, ANYTHING.
I knew if I find out how to navigate this situation.
My nightmare.
Then I can navigate any situation in this life.
This empowerment only comes from within.
I knew it had to come from ME.
I knew I had work to do.
And I'm proud to say I did it.
Now I sleep soundly without paying any attention to what used to plague me (where attention goes energy flows - another topic to discuss in another newsletter related to the process of adopting new beliefs).
Proactive or Reactive
You have 2 options from here:
Work on this deep self awareness PROACTIVELY.
Work on it REACTIVELY after a major life fuck up
You can learn the easy way or you can learn the hard way.
I potentially lost the love of my life over this.
Or maybe it saved us both from heartbreak down the line.
Who knows? We never can know.
But the same point stands:
Just like you shouldn't wait until you are fucked and forced to give up sports & activies you love......before you prioritise your PHYSICAL FREEDOM.
You shouldn't wait until you fuck up a relationship, get fired from your dream job, mess up a vital opportunity in life......before you prioritise your MENTAL FREEDOM.
Prevention is better than the cure.
We all know this.
I'm sharing my most personal experiences openly with you to get you to LEARN FROM MY MISTAKES.
To get you to be PROACTIVE and avoid these situations in your own life.
Just like I tell my story of 10 years of chronic pains & injuries to help you see the 3 steps to regaining your Physical Freedom.
This relationship was probably the most painful story I could tell you for a reason to be proactive about regaining your MENTAL FREEDOM.
But it's helped me massively across all areas of my life.
Pain is an important driver.
It makes us want to change.
I'm sure you can think of your own past relationship/life issue that was a disaster.
If not, feel my past pain from this story.
Let whatever pain you have, make you want to change before you experience it again through the same patterns.
A new life awaits you.
A new reality.
I'm excited for you to experience it for yourself.
To gain your MENTAL FREEDOM.
Your life will be changed forever.
My Week
Current Reading: The Denial of Death#
(The Diary of a CEO E212: Derren Brown: Unlock the Secret Power of Your Mind)
(Modern Wisdom Podcast #577 - David Goggins: This is How to Master Your Life)
This week's client testimonial was Gary Howard!
Going from shoulder dislocations, hamstring injuries, and not able for hurling.
To regaining his Physical Freedom, stronger than ever before, and able to sprint his max again when he thought he never would!!

For the full review, click here.
Coaching: - Physical Freedom - Mental Freedom - Lifestyle Design
Martin Irvine Productions were down from Belfast on Friday to shoot a documentary on my story, which has been in the works for a while!!
One of my projects for 2023 I wanted to complete before I head off travelling in February.
Excited for you all to see it! Will be dropping soon ;) I'll post it on Instagram when it's fully finished.
Renting out my room from February and moving to Asia!
6-9 months of travelling ahead.
Now that I have financial & location freedom through LIFESTYLE DESIGN, I can go wherever I want in the world. And work & train from there.
First stop is Bali. Then probably going to hit Thailand, Vietnam & Japan. Possibly go to South America after, I'll see!
Fun this week:
- Friday: Pints with some friends after the day of filming!
1 One Arm Chin Up session
1 Upper Push session
1 Leg session
Less training due to busy week the documentary.
That's it!
Your beliefs are the templates through which energy flows for you.
They create your reality that you experience each and every day.
The most empowering thing you can do in this life is learning how to skillfully navigate this process.
Your life will be changed forever.
Until next week!
Enjoy the weekend my friends.
Don't Settle,