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- The ACTUAL Reason You are Tight & Stiff (It’s not a problem, it’s a SOLUTION)
The ACTUAL Reason You are Tight & Stiff (It’s not a problem, it’s a SOLUTION)
The ACTUAL Reason You are Tight & Stiff (It’s not a problem, it’s a SOLUTION)
When did you start to become tight and stiff? Can you remember?
It just seems to have ‘always been there’ doesn’t it?
That’s because we don’t have a relationship with our body or pay any attention to it until things start going wrong. I was the same.
I never cared about my body until I started to realise I was feeling like the tin man. It just happened a lot earlier for me than most. I was 15.
15-25 are the ‘10 years of chronic pains & injuries’ that I refer to:
- Around 15 is when I first realised I don’t feel like other kids do at this age.
- 25 was the age I was told nothing could be done for all my issues and it was time to settle and give up things I love like Jiu Jitsu, as my body isn't able anymore.
Take up swimming I was told.
I didn’t settle for that, and my journey back from the brink is what led me here to coaching people out of the same situation. And why I am writing this newsletter for you to hopefully PREVENT you from ending up there in the first place.
You can get out of it, but prevention is better than the cure.
The earliest moments I can remember are my hips. I remember trying to sit on the floor like my sister who did it so easily. I tried but my hips just couldn’t do it.
I didn’t understand?! How can she sit on the floor and move around so easily……but I can’t? I’m the one who plays sport, I’m the ‘athletic’ one……yet she’s moving freely and I amn’t???
The first sign of what was to come but I had no idea. If I received an email like this 10 years ago - I wouldn’t have got progressively worse over the next 10 years culminating in giving up sports/activities I loved for nearly a year.
But you live and learn. If I can turn my past pain into your future PROGRESS……it makes it all worth it.
What Do We All Do?
So what did I do? What do we all do? We do what we all are told to do by the mainstream.
Stretch. Foam roll. Go to the physio/chiro/osteopath for the fix.
So that’s what I did. For 10 years. And it never solved the problem and it just got progressively worse.
Of course I got some relief here and there and small bits of progress. But nothing long-term. The overall trajectory was going down.
It just keep getting worse over the years until I had to give things up. I still remember people telling me “why are you doing Jiu Jitsu if it’s hurting you?” and inferring that I should stop.
This never sat right with me. I didn’t know exactly why, but I just knew that there had to be some better answers here. I was like 25 at the time. HOW ARE PEOPLE WHO ARE LIKE 50 YEARS OLD DOING JIU JITSU……….and I can’t……at fucking 25?! Didn’t make any sense. I should be in my PRIME.
Luckily I’m a stubborn bastard and didn’t give up on it. If I wasn’t….maybe I would have. And you wouldn’t be reading this, there would be no ‘guywhodidntsettle’, and I’d be swimming and playing chess, working some 9-5 job I have no passion for, wondering what could have been.
It angers/upsets me to even think of that reality. And I don’t want it for you.
Yes I can do the front splits, yes I’m close to a one-arm chin-up, yes I have done things with my body I didn’t even think were possible for me………but for a time all I wanted was my PHYSICAL FREEDOM back. I didn’t care about any of the cool shit. It wasn’t even on my radar.
I just wanted to be able to iron shirts without back pain and not having to stop after 3 for a break. I just wanted to be able to sit on the train from Roscommon to Dublin without being so uncomfortable I would have to move around. I just wanted to be able to get back to the gym and Jiu-Jitsu. I just DIDN’T WANT TO BE HELD BACK BY MY BODY ANYMORE.
Think of this next time you see me train, thinking “I couldn’t do that”. I’m just an example of what's possible with the right ATTITUDE & APPROACH. I’m nothing special, just a stubborn fucker who didn’t settle until he found the truth and implemented it relentlessly.
I was so fed up after 10 years I went like 50 cent. My attitude was now to GET MOBILE OR DIE TRYING. And that’s how it has to be if you want to finally overcome it.
It’s not going to land on your lap. Nobody is coming to save you. The sooner you shatter that disempowering belief the better. Now you can actually start on the path to long-term progress.
By taking OWNERSHIP of your own body and understanding how it works, instead of expecting other humans to fix you like humpty dumpty.
This Clearly Isn’t Working
But the stretching never helped. The foam rolling never helped. It gave me some relief yes…….but it was like scratching an itch instead of treating the rash. It was NOT ADDRESSING THE ROOT CAUSE.
And after doing that stuff for 10 years……it finally dawned on me that “HEY, guess what Mark?! If you did this for 10 YEARS……and it didn’t work…….newsflash…….IT’S NOT WORKING. Time to try something else”.
The reality is I should have given it 3-6 months max of consistent focused effort, and then moved on if there were no results.
I sometimes imagine the things I would be doing with my body now if I had an extra 9 YEARS on top of the 4 I already have training in the right way?! Pffff. You wouldn’t know if I was a gymnast, a BJJ black belt, a calisthenics athlete, a breakdancer. I’d be doing it all.
The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago, the 2nd best time is TODAY. You can’t change the past, but you can CREATE YOUR FUTURE.
Seeing it from my current perspective now, I can see clearly why that happened to me looking back. And now we are going to get into the main transformative education piece for today on the body.
The reason why all my 10 years of foam rolling and stretching were futile. The reason was I was still tight & stiff and getting worse even while doing those things and going to the healthcare practitioners.
I know a lot of you reading this will be the same as me or can relate. Because you are probably making the same mistakes I was. It doesn’t have to be this way.
This is why I put out this free content. I want to be the catalyst for you to change your life in the way mine was changed. I know how life-changing it can be to get your PHYSICAL FREEDOM back after it has been taken away from you.
And from going from the tin man forced to give up things I love at 25………to getting the front splits years later when I was told it was impossible for my hips - I have learned a thing or two along the way as you can imagine!!!!!
But why keep all the progress for myself? I am doing what I want. Now I want YOU to be able to do what YOU want. So let’s get to it
Your brain is PROTECTING YOU with tightness & stiffness.
Yes, you read that right. Your brain is PROTECTING YOU with this tightness & stiffness.
Clients know this. Some on Instagram will if they saw the pieces of content where I talked about this. For most of you it will be new information though.
You (and the younger me) think it’s a PROBLEM. But in reality……it’s actually your brain's current best SOLUTION to keeping you alive and moving around.
Read that again. This was one of my biggest realisations. What I thought was a PROBLEM……is actually a SOLUTION. It’s the OPPOSITE of what I am being told.
Led to believe I’m fucked. I’m this, I’m that. When in reality it was just my brain's best current solution at the moment. And what I should have been doing was trying to give it a BETTER SOLUTION. One that DOESN’T involve as much tightness & stiffness. That’s what I should have been focusing on. The irony eh?
This is the root cause of your tightness & stiffness. It’s not YOUR body, YOUR genetics, YOUR ‘insert excuse’……..it’s just that you don’t understand how the human body works. THIS is the problem.
“If you are lost, you need EDUCATION
If you are educated, you need action
If you are taking action, you need consistency”
The truth is we are all trying to ‘take action’ and be ‘consistent’…….but we aren’t EDUCATED on how the human body works, so it’s all going to be a WASTE OF YOUR TIME, ENERGY & MONEY.
We need education first. Education is the foundation that makes the action & consistency effective.
This is what frustrated me the most. I WAS taking action. I WAS consistent. This was never an issue. And then when you STILL don’t see results, it’s even more annoying. If I wasn’t putting in the work I would be like fair enough. You can’t expect the result you didn’t work for. But I was.
I was lost, like you are…..and this is why we need to focus on the EDUCATION first.
So why is your brain protecting you with tightness & stiffness? Let’s dive into it. Info that blew my fucking mind years ago and info that changed my life and gave me such hope that I can overcome my chronic pains and improve my mobility. That I can get back to Jiu Jitsu and the things I love to do.
You need to understand some evolutionary biology for this to make sense:
Humans have evolved over the space of 6 million years as a species up to now. There were different species of humans just like we have different species of cats and dogs (say whaaaAAAaaaTTttt?!).
Homo-sapiens (the only species of humans left. Aka me and you) and what everyone on this planet is, have been around the last roughly 200,000 years.
Over these 6 million years of human evolution, the human body & brain have been ADAPTING TO THEIR ENVIRONMENT in order to survive. This is the only goal of our brain - SURVIVAL. If it wasn’t, then me and you wouldn’t be here. The human species would have died off and become extinct a long time ago
And to ensure we survive, the brain has deep ingrained needs that we can’t stop: hunger, thirst, sexual arousal etc. We all know and understand these. If we didn’t get hunger or thirst, we wouldn’t eat and drink and would die (hence the species becoming extinct). If we don’t have urges to have sex and reproduce (the human species would also become extinct)
Keeping up? If you are hearing that for the first time you might be like whattttt :O.
I was fascinated and had barely any clue of human evolution. If you think we have always lived like we do in this modern world, you are in for a shock! haha.
This modern life is just a TINY blip at the forefront of human evolution - we are not designed to live like this at all, and this is what causes most of our issues. From mobility to obesity and cardiovascular disease. The number 1 killer in the world.
But to stay on topic without drifting off into evolutionary biology, what people don’t know, is that your TIGHTNESS & STIFFNESS is also related to THESE DEEP DRIVES OF SURVIVAL.
This is so vitally important to understand. Why?
Because it’s as ingrained in the brain as your need for hunger, thirst, sexual arousal.
Imagine going to a dietician and asking them “can you turn off my hunger signal forever please?”. Yeah, you might chuckle……but yet you go to someone asking them to “get rid of your tightness/stiffness/pain forever”.
Can you see the irony now? How this makes no sense. We are chasing the wrong thing yet again. Shock.
The REAL answer is the same for both. Just like with the dietician you can ask them to ‘help you manage your diet so that you only get hunger at the appropriate times”, it’s the same for tightness/stiffness/pain.
We can learn to MANAGE IT so that the tightness/stiffness goes down over time and then we only get it when it's needed.
Thinking someone can ‘fix’ you. Thinking someone can get rid of your tightness/stiffness forever, is as ridiculous as someone claiming they can ‘fix’ your hunger/thirst/sexual arousal signal forever.
Now you can finally see how false all these quick-fix claims are on the human body that we all fall for. It’s never going to be the long-term solution
How Your Tightness & Stiffness is Protecting You:
“But how is this tightness protecting me Mark? I understand the higher level root cause now, but I haven’t made the connection yet to a real example in my life?”
Cool, glad you asked. Let's run through it with a hunter-gatherer example to make sense of it, and then a real-life example in these modern times:
Me and you (or 'you and I' - as my mam would constantly correct me!!!) are running through the jungle away from a predator. You step on a rock and twist your ankle. Your brain notices in milliseconds that your ankle is starting to move into a position it is not strong in. It knows shit is about to go wrong. So it has 2 options:
Let your ankle go into that position and break
PROTECT THE ANKLE as much as you can with tightness & stiffness.
And so of course it chooses the 2nd option and pulls all the muscles around the ankle to protect it from a more serious injury (aka what we call an ankle ‘sprain’ or a calf ‘tear’ etc).
Because again, you need to think of the higher level here. The brain is trying to keep you ALIVE. So that you can SURVIVE and reproduce and keep the species living on up to you and me right now.
If the brain let the ankle go and DIDN’T protect it with tightness/stiffness and you shattered your ankle…….you are now fucked. You can’t even get up and walk and there is a predator after us. I like you..…….but I’m leaving you behind. It’s either both of us die if I try to carry you, or else I run away and the predator gets you and only one of us dies.
But think of the 2nd example. The brain tries to protect you as much as possible and sprains your ankle instead of a break. NOW YOU CAN STILL MOVE AROUND. You are in pain, but adrenaline will get you through it. YOU CAN PUSH THROUGH IT AND STILL RUN. Your chances of survival have SKYROCKETED.
I’m not joking here, true story coming up - when I broke my leg and tore my ankle ligaments years ago - I was drunk. I know all this stuff I am telling you, and I convinced myself I had just sprained my ankle. I WAS WALKING AROUND KRAKOW ON A BROKEN LEG AND FULLY TORN ANKLE LIGAMENTS. I only realised after in hindsight how crazy that was. The human body is so much more ADAPTABLE & RESILIENT than you are led to believe. Once you live it through your own examples, this belief of us being ‘fragile’ is shattered forever.
I have videos of it which maybe I’ll share on Instagram someday haha. When your brain is in fight or flight mode (or high on alcohol and drunk on knowledge of the amazing adaptability of the human body hahaha), you can see the crazy shit we are capable of.
What's the point here - the point is that you can fucking run on a sprained ankle!! haha If you didn’t know. I’m not saying do it, but just to prove it for my example here. We can walk and run on broken legs if our brain thinks we need to do it to survive. So of course we can do it on a sprained ankle.
So now you can still run away with your sprained ankle, or climb a tree, or do something to get away. And if you can still run a bit Iand can help you now. Rather than have to carry you fully which would get us both killed.
So with option 1 (your brain NOT protecting you with tightness & stiffness) = you are 99% dead.
With option 2: (your brain PROTECTING YOU with tightness & stiffness) = your odds of survival have gone up DRAMATICALLY
And since our brains constantly adapt and evolve through successful strategies that keep us alive…….option 2 is what we have adapted to keep, and this has been passed on to their kids all the way down to me and you right now.
The reality is that if me and you didn’t have the capacity to get ‘tight and stiff’………ME AND YOU WOULDN’T EXIST. We wouldn’t be here. The human species would have become extinct before it got to us.
How ironic is that? We ask for someone to ‘get rid of my tightness/stiffness’, but if that was possible, we wouldn’t even be here.
We’ll stick with a close example to make it easier to follow. So we’ll use an ankle sprain again.
Me and you are playing a soccer match. You roll your ankle. Now your brain will MAKE THE SAME CALCULATIONS IT DID ABOVE IN THE HUNTER GATHERER EXAMPLE.
It doesn’t know we are so much ‘safer’ day to day. And that our life isn’t in danger.
The brain doesn’t know that there isn’t going to be a lion on the field that might eat you if you can’t get up off the ground with a broken ankle.
The easiest way to think of the brain is like a man/woman in a dark cave (your skull). The only way it can get information is through your 5 senses, and also your past experiences and the resulting beliefs from them. THAT’S IT.
It doesn't know where we are, the differences between hunter-gatherer lifestyle and our modern one. It doesn't know if we are safe or not. THE BRAIN TAKES NO CHANCES. Why? Because you are more likely to stay alive this way of course. It always comes back to survival.
So now the brain will sprain your ankle as you roll it, just like it would in the hunter-gatherer days to protect you and try to keep you alive. But of course rather than keep running through the pain, we know we have injured ourselves. We know running on it will make it worse so we come off.
Hopefully now that makes sense! You should be able to trace back to all your injuries and now you know why they happened. Your brain was trying to PROTECT YOU:
That ankle sprain? your brain stopped you from breaking your ankle
That pulled groin? your brain stopped you from fully tearing it or possible dislocating your hip
That back strain? your brain stopped you from a more serious back injury
That pulled muscle near your shoulder? your brain stopped you from a potential dislocation
Can you see??? All the brain is trying to do is to help you SURVIVE. To make you navigate through these crazy things (sports - man-made things), without being at the risk of being vulnerable to death.
And so we all get different injuries as a result. Your body isn’t fucked, it’s just not CURRENTLY prepared for the sports/activities you love to do. The better prepared your body is, the less protection you need in terms of tightness/stiffness/injury.
This Is Why I Failed:
This was one of the reasons why I failed at overcoming my chronic tightness/stiffness & injury.
Because I was uneducated like we all are on the body.
Misinformation is the problem.
Ownership & education is the SOLUTION.
But now you know what I finally found out. And it can be the catalyst for you to finally make a change towards LONG-TERM PROGRESS like I did.
The ball is in your court, I’m giving you the information. One of the missing pieces that led to my success. It’s up to you to take ownership of your own body and do something with it.
I see now that foam rolling and stretching all the muscles around my tight hips were futile. Because my hip joint was like a block. When I started eventually getting a mobility coach and tried some basic hip joint movements that looked simple……I could barely do any of them. I remember saying to him as I struggled to move “that doesn’t feel like my leg”. It felt alien to me.
To show the brain that we DO have control, and that it doesn’t need to protect us with tightness/stiffness, we need to get CONTROL OVER OUR BODY (aka good mobility).
And this starts at the joints. Think of it like your joints are sending emails to your brain every day about how much control you have. If the email says “yeah, still not much control”, the brain goes “cool, I’ll keep PROTECTING that joint by keeping all the muscles around it tight so”.
And once I started training smarter and getting control over my joints and body over weeks and months……the tightness/stiffness start to slowly go down.
I knew nothing about the information behind it that I am telling you now, I just thought fuck it what have I got to lose. I need to try something new.
But when I finally started getting progress, I was like “what is this voodoo shit?!”. How am I getting less tight & stiff now?!
” From being led to believe foam rolling and stretching was the answer (and being tight and stiff for 10 years)
To now STOPPING FOAM ROLLING AND STRETCHING……and focusing on these joint movements…….and the tightness/stiffness was starting to go down.
I was like HOLY SHIT. This doesn’t make any sense, but I am on to something here!!!!
And this is the moment where my obsession into the human body began, and I dove down that rabbit hole 4 years ago like Tom Daley off the springboard. And what a journey it has been. Learning things like this and so much more.
There’s a reason I got success with myself and clients stuck with chronic pain and improving their mobility, and this is a big one of them.
I can see now that my brain was keeping all the muscles around my hip joint tight to protect my hip as it was like a BLOCK. But slowly getting control over the hip joint meant that I didn’t need as much protection from the tight muscles anymore.
Once I got over that chronic tightness a year later and was moving/feeling so much better….I thought…..how far can you take this?! And years later I had brought it up to very high levels of control over my hips to the front splits (when I was told it was impossible for my hips by an ‘expert’).
The human body is incredibly adaptable over time (I mean we came from apes to me and you now?!), but we just aren’t acting in the way it responds to from lack of education and the misinformation in the mainstream.
I’ll leave you with the easiest analogy I could think of to wrap all this evolutionary biology and science into something you can easily remember and refer back to.
All learning is - is attaching an ‘unknown’ (aka the info I just gave you), to a ‘KNOWN’ (aka something you already know - like the process of learning how to drive). This will lock in the information for you and have it make sense.
Driving Test Analogy:
Let’s say you went to do the driving test…BUT….you only did 1 driving lesson. You didn’t do the required 12 lessons and all the work needed over months/years. You didn’t follow the process.
What would happen?
You would be trying to drive the car but you would not have CONTROL over it. The driving instructor would be nervously looking at you like “wtf is Mark doing?!”. And then once you come close to an accident, he would pull up the handbrake. (to make the car ‘tight & stiff’ you could say).
So WHY has he done this? Did he pull up the handbrake for the craic? For a laugh? Because of your genetics? Because of your posture in the car? No. He has done it for a specific REASON.
He has pulled up the handbrake to PROTECT YOU. He has pulled up the handbrake and made the car tight and stiff to ENSURE YOUR SURVIVAL. If he didn’t….and you drove the car into the wall or another car, well then you could die obviously.
As you have probably figured out in this analogy:
The car is YOUR BODY
The driving instructor is YOUR BRAIN
The driving instructor is doing the exact same thing your brain does. He made the car tight and stiff to protect you and ensure your survival, just like your brain does with giving you an ankle sprain just like the hunter-gatherer & modern life example above.
And it's a great analogy because the process OUT OF IT is the exact same.
How do you pass the driving test? Do you just go and do one or 2 random driving lessons and now your driving skills are ‘fixed’. Then we can come back and pass the test? NO. Of course not, we know that's illogical and won’t work.
But yet that’s the exact approach we try with our bodies. We have no control, and we go to the chiropractor/osteopath/physio/doctor for a session or 2 and think we are ‘fixed’ and have control over our body…….and then we are still surprised with tightness and stiffness.
Can you see the irony?! And if you are just lying on a table and someone is manipulating your body…….it’s like going to do a driving lesson and you are SITTING IN THE PASSENGER SEAT. YOU aren’t even training to control your OWN body…..so how will that get you better control over your body?!
Simple answer, it won't. (coming from the man who went to the osteopath consistently for 8 years - if only I knew back then).
The approach has to be the same as passing the driving test. We’ll compare it to the process of getting back control over your body and you’ll see how similar they are:
To get control over the car:
We need to get a GOOD KNOWLEDGEABLE DRIVING INSTRUCTOR who will teach us about how the car works, what’s under the hood, what the pedals do etc
We need to TAKE OWNERSHIP and understand we need to educate ourselves on the car and learn how it works. That there is no quick fix. That nobody can do this for us
We need to COMMIT TO THE PROCESS, and PLAY THE LONG GAME. You won’t learn to drive overnight or in a few sessions. You will be shit starting off, there will be good days & bad days, ups and downs…but if you stick to the process and CHASE THE SMALL GAINS….progress will be inevitable in time
Over months/years depending on your starting point, you will have GOOD ENOUGH CONTROL OVER THE CAR TO PASS THE DRIVING TEST. The driving instructor will not have to pull up the handbrake to make the car ‘tight and stiff’ anymore. Why? Because he DOESN’T NEED TO PROTECT YOU ANYMORE FOR SURVIVAL REASONS. You have control, you can protect yourself
To get control over your body:
We need to get a GOOD KNOWLEDGEABLE COACH who will teach us about how the body & brain works. So that we can train smart and focus on things that will be effective
We need to TAKE OWNERSHIP and understand we need to be willing to learn about the body & brain and how it works. That there is no quick fix. That nobody can do this for us
We need to COMMIT TO THE PROCESS, and PLAY THE LONG GAME. You won’t get back control over your body overnight or in a few sessions. You will be shit starting off, there will be good days & bad days, ups and downs…but if you stick to the process and CHASE THE SMALL GAINS….progress will be inevitable in time
Over months/years depending on your starting point, you will have GOOD ENOUGH CONTROL OVER YOUR BODY. The brain will not have to constantly keep you tight and stiff anymore. Why? Because he DOESN’T NEED TO PROTECT YOU ANYMORE FOR SURVIVAL REASONS. You have control, you can protect yourself
If you know the process to pass the driving test, you know the process to get back control over your body and reduce tightness/stiffness.
Now ask yourself honestly, if you are someone who has chronic pain and is constantly tight and stiff……….are you approaching it in this way? Probably not.
Awareness & truth are the first points of change. A new life is awaiting you if you are ready to go after it.
Saying “I couldn’t get more mobile”, “I have always been tight & stiff”, is literally the same as saying “I could never learn to drive”. It’s bullshit and not true. But if you believe it blindly and never question it or learn the information I have given in this newsletter, it will become a self-fulfilling prophecy for you.
I’ve been there for 10 years. It doesn't have to be that way.
But you don’t get what you deserve, you get what you SETTLE for.
I made my choice. You make yours.
3 Actionable Takeaways:
Educate Yourself on How the Body Works
Understanding tightness/stiffness is a SOLUTION, not a problem
Realise your brain is PROTECTING you
Don’t fight against your brain, work WITH it
2. Incorporate this knowledge into your mobility practice
Work on joint movements (show safety and control to the brain)
Start here with the basics
Education, the right action, and consistency will create change
3. Understand the PROCESS you need to follow
Driving test analogy. There is no quick fix.
Think of the process of getting control over the car.
It’s the same process to get control over your body
Real-Life Examples:
Eoin Walsh was a client who mentioned the importance of 2 things we talked about today in his review:
- The understanding of how his body works, and knowing the root cause of his tightness/stiffness and how to address it
- A better understanding of the process (just like the driving test analogy)
This was key in him being able to overcome the chronic tightness/stiffness in his groins that was holding him back from being able to play hurling to the best of his ability. Hampering his potential. And to be able to take back control of his body and keep these gains long term going forward in his life.
Anna Cafolla was another client who mentioned the importance of the education in overcoming her issues. And how these analogies helped cement the information and make sense of it for her to apply to her body
She is a fellow Jiu-Jitsu practitioner!
Sara also mentioned the importance of the "sound education & guidance" in helping her overcome her back pain and take back control. After 10 years of trying the typical healthcare route with no success.
You can read their full reviews here:
This Week
Current Reading:
(On Purpose with Jay Shetty - How to heal your gut & eat smarter: Shawn Stevenson)
(Tim Ferris Podcast - #621: UFC Hall of famer Bas Rutten)
Some client wins this week:
Mark O’Sullivan - overcoming knee injury

Sean O’Connor - improvements in his chronic shoulder limitation

Fun this week:
Meal and pints with Mark tonight, the client & friend from above!
One arm chin up session Sunday - didn’t go great! Just goes to show the process and it being like a stock chart. Last week felt strong and PB’d. This week getting less reps than I usually would and going backwards. Trust the process
Also Upper body (Push) & 1 leg session
3 Jiu-Jitsu sessions (Tues, Thurs & this morning)
Thanks for reading and hope you learned a lot of useful info and most importantly that you do something with it!!!
Knowledge isn’t power. The APPLICATION of knowledge is power.
Have a great weekend 🙂
Don’t Settle,